4 - He likea da bee

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It had been raining for days near the Sleepy Bois' household.  They really couldn't do anything very fun except for board games, but the name says it all.  Tommy and Tubbo were intensely staring out the window, longing to be outside and able to play in the long grass that could use a trim.  Suddenly, the rain started coming to a halt. 

"Look! Look! Dad, look!" Tommy shouted with excitement, his finger pointing at the rain spotted window. Tubbo continued to stare, not actually noticing the rain stopped due to being so use to staring at the window.  "What are we looking at? It's still raining..." Tubbo says quietly, his eyes fixed on the droplets.  "No, it isn't, dummy." Tommy restrained himself from saying a bad word in front of Phil.  "Oh, my bad." Tubbo rubbed the back of his neck, grinning stupidly.  Phil came over and looked out the window as well, "Hmmm, I guess the rain has stopped, eh?" "Yep! Does that mean me and Tubbo can go out now?"  Tommy smiled, staring at Phil intently.  "Yea! Please! Please!"

Phil sighed, and stared at the two eager boys.  "I suppose so....just because you both have been inside all week.  Also because Techno and Wil are away doing other things..." Tommy and Tubbo's faces lit up. "YAY!" Tubbo shouted and ran out the door.  Tommy ran towards the door, and yelled "POG CHAMP!" loudly.  "Never change you two, never change..." Phil smiled, watching the two boys run through the tall grass plains.

" Phil smiled, watching the two boys run through the tall grass plains

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Tubbo fell into the grass and didn't mind just laying there.  "What are you doing, Tubbo?  We came out here to play, not mope around..."Tommy looms over Tubbo with a confused expression.  Tubbo makes muffled Tubbo noises. "Get up, I can't hear you with your mouth full of mud and shit."  Tommy complains, his arms crossed with contempt.  Tubbo popped up and didn't care to pat off dirt or tethers of grass spattered on his overalls.  "What did you say now that you're actually standing?" Tommy eyes Tubbo with a lifted eyebrow.  "To be honest, I actually forgot.." Tubbo pokes his fingers together shyly.  "Agh, you dummy!" Tommy shouts with clear annoyance in his tone.

"I like your funny words magic man! Sorry, anyways, what do you wanna play?"  Tubbo looks up at Tommy.  "Uh, right, well, I don't know, why don't we look around. Find new things, maybe cool places, ya know?"  Tommy waves his hand around meaninglessly.  "I don't see why not!" Tubbo smiled with his iconic charm.  They decided to run off farther into the plains. Phil saw this and quickly shouted towards them, "Kids, don't go too far! It's dangerous out there!" Tommy and Tubbo shouted back, "We know! We won't be long!"

The boys had been walking for a bit and had found a nice area in the plains.  They finally decided to sit down.  "Pretty place, Innit?"  Tommy stares out into the flower filled field.  "Yea..." Tubbo had most of his attention on a blade of grass, with a fuzzy little bug on it.  "What are you looking at, Tubbo?" Tommy turned towards the Goatie boy, but Tubbo was too zoned out to tell him what he was looking at.  "TUBBO! HELLO?!" Tommy yelled at him, the bug on the grass flying away in response.  "Hey, you scared away the pretty bug!" Tubbo frowned, his distaste visible.

"Well, what even was it that made it so important!" Tommy tapped his fingers on the grass below him.  "I really don't know, but it was yellow and black and had little buzzy wings and it likes flowers! I named it Buzz!"  Tubbo ranted about his new friend he had found.  "Are you kidding me? You've grown attached to a bug! Bugs are weird and ugly." Tommy groaned, his face disgusted.  "Don't talk about Buzzy like that! That's also what I call him. And you're one to talk! You obsess over those toys discs you've had since we were kids!" Tubbo stared at Tommy, a very annoyed look on his face.  Tommy gasped in offense, "What?! Those are important, ok?! S-E-N-T-I-M-E-N-T idiot!"  Tommy's eyebrows were furrowed with anger.

"Well, I have sentiment towards Buzz!"  Tubbo supported his previous statements.  Tommy scoffed and looked away, "Whatever, the sun's going down, we should head back..."  "Awe, ok...." Tubbo pouted, kicking his hooves around in the grass.  Tommy stood up and lent a hand down to Tubbo, head opposed to him due to their previous quarrel.  "Thank you! See, you're not mad at me!"  Tubbo smiled, grabbing his hand with delight.  Tommy glared at him, "I AM MAD AT YOU! I-I'M JUST BEING A GOOD BROTHER!" He swiped Tubbo's hand away, "Last time I'm ever being nice to you!" Tubbo laughed and the boys headed through the tall grass back to the house by the river.

  Tommy glared at him, "I AM MAD AT YOU! I-I'M JUST BEING A GOOD BROTHER!" He swiped Tubbo's hand away, "Last time I'm ever being nice to you!" Tubbo laughed and the boys headed through the tall grass back to the house by the river

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As the boys rushed back through the doorway of which they came, Tubbo greeted Dadza with glee. "Well, what has you all riled up Tubbster?"  Phil smiled, bending down to Tubbo's level.  "He found a weird bug in the plains or something..." Tommy shrugged, his voice bothered. "Oh, is that so? Whatcha find Tubbo?"  Phil stares intently.

"I found a yellow and black bug, it had buzzy wings, and it likes flowers! I named it Buzz, or Buzzy if you wanna be cool!"  Tubbo grins, his hands clasped in enjoyment of talking about something he enjoys.  "You mean you found a bee?" Phil crosses his arms, his face creased with smile wrinkles. "Oh, is that what they're called?" Tubbo tilts his head in question.  "Yep, you'd be right there." Phil says and pats Tubbo's head.  "Oh, well that's a pretty cool name too!"  Tubbo says eagerly.  "I agree with you, Tubbo..." Phil laughs softly.

"Oh, also Tommy taught me new words!" Tubbo jumps up and down, wishing to share, while Tommy swipes his hands to tell him to shut it.  "Oh, really? What he'd teach you?" Phil lifts an eyebrow quizzically.  "Hmm, there's dumbass, there's fuck, there's ass, there's shit....The list goes on!" Tubbo grinned, while Tommy stood dumbfounded.  Phil stood there, glancing over at Tommy who looked away, sweating bullets.  Dadza tapped his foot and looked utterly disappointed, "Tommy, what did I say about following your brother's mouth?"

"Yes, I know Dad, I know...." Tommy looked down, his hands patting his shorts. "Go to bed, now." Phil says with demand.   Tommy whips his head up with annoyance, "Come on, I don't want to go to bed already!" "Now." Phil continues. "Ok, ok..." Tommy pouted and silently muttered cuss words as he took a walk of shame towards his bedroom.  Phil sighed, his arms uncrossing with exhaustion. "What did Tommy do?" Tubbo's expression was innocent and pure.  "He taught you bad things, now please don't say those words...." Phil looked at Tubbo with a slight nod. "I, I!" Tubbo saluted, soon clopping off to mock Tommy for his early bedtime.

This was a bit of a shorter chapter, but I enjoyed writing it and thought it was quite cute. Hoped you enjoyed it too! :3

this chapter is so wholesome omg -November 4th, 2022

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