6 - Who the hell are you?

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Tommy and Tubbo wanted to play. Indeed they did, so they asked their father, who was sitting in his chair reading a book.

"Phil? Can me and Tubbo go play in the plains again?" Tommy troubled Phil with his excited banter. "Yea, please, please!" Tubbo added on to the nagging. "First of all, Tommy, when did you pick up Wilbur's habit? Second of all, of course, just don't stay out past 9 pm, it's dangerous out there." Phil out his book down, looking at both the jumpy boys beside him. Tommy jumped excitedly, "YEAH, LET'S GO TUBBO!" "OK!" Tubbo hastily agreed with him. Phil smiled softly, "Kids nowadays..." "Bye Ph- I mean- Dad!" Tommy quickly corrected himself, and dragged Tubbo out the door. Phil shouted out after them, "See you kids soon!"

"Come on, Tubbo, this way! Towards the hill, where we saw the bee, ya know?" Tommy said, knowing what would capture Tubbo's attention, and surely enough, Tubbo's head immediately turned as soon as he said 'bee'. "BEE?! DID YOU SAY BEE?!" Tommy looked at Tubbo with a concerned look on his face, "Uh, yes, bees...cmon." Tommy and Tubbo hurried up the steep, bumpy terrain. Tommy looked around, spying something towards the bottom of the other side, where there was a berry bush cluster and a bear looking creature hanging over it. "Tommy? What's that?" Tubbo poked his head around Tommy. Tommy shrugged, "I don't know Tubbo, I'm not a genius, dumbass."

"Oh, sorry." Tubbo muttered. "Stop apologizing so much, oh my god.." Tommy groaned, rolling his eyes. "Sorry, wait, I mean, fuck you- wait, no, sorry- you know what, never mind." Tubbo sighed, giving up on his words. "Did you just tell me to fuck off?" Tommy glared at Tubbo suspiciously. Tubbo waved his hands around, "NO!" Tommy cracked his knuckles, "Uh huh, sure you didn't." Tubbo poked his fingers together, "I REALLY DIDN'T-!" At this point they had been chattering so much the creature had climbed the hill and was staring directly at the bickering boys.

" Tubbo poked his fingers together, "I REALLY DIDN'T-!" At this point they had been chattering so much the creature had climbed the hill and was staring directly at the bickering boys

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"U-uh, Tommy, it's staring at us!" Tubbo said, whispering pointlessly towards Tommy. "What do you mean "it's"staring at us?" Tommy looked up and realized they must've gotten distracted and didn't keep their eyes on the creature below them. "Well, uh, should we talk to it?" Tommy whispered back, hooking his arm around Tubbo calmly. "Uh, I don't know, stranger danger, ya kno-" In the middle of talking, Tubbo had been interrupted.

"Excuse me, I'm not an it! I'm a person, idiots." The supposed creature spoke, offense in his voice. "Woah! Don't talk to us like that, we're big men you know!" Tommy immediately yelled, completely throwing 'stranger danger' out the window. "Yea! Big men!" Tubbo joined in confidently, going with Tommy because he must be right. The person crossed his arms defiantly, "Yea, sure, you guys are just kids who think that." "Yea, right! You were just picking through plants like a raccoon!" Tommy replied and pointed a finger at the man, an angered look on his face. The bear figure scowled.

"I'm not a raccoon, I'm a Pandan in fact!" The Pandan proudly says, hands on his hips. "A Pandan? Out here? How the hell- and who the hell even are you?" Tommy asked confused. "I'm Sapnap, the hottest Pandan around, or, at least that's what the ladies say!" He stroked his shaved scruff of a beard as if he thought he did something. "Ew, what you just did with your face, no, just no." Tubbo sticks his tongue out in disgust. "What the hell?! It's cool, you're just jealous you won't ever grow one!" Sapnap yells out, his eyebrows furrowed. Tommy shouts at the scruffy Pandan, "Hey! Don't talk to my Tubbo like that, you- you trash panda!" At this point they were just roasting each other left and right till they decided to sit down and finally chill.

"Anyways, uhm, sorry about trash talking you...but how'd you even get here anyways? Aren't Pandans like tropical and shit?" Tommy spoke out, while Tubbo had just zoned out looking at a flower behind them with a small, fluffy bee on it. "Oh, yeah, about that...I was supposed to be an expensive pet. I was shipped in, and a pet for a bit, but I managed to escape and now I'm here..." Sapnap says, seeming relatively calm. "Oh....I'm sorry to hear that, Sapnap..." Tommy says, a tinge of guilt in his voice. "It's fine, not like you could've helped or anything, uhm, wait, I never got your name." Sapnap scratches his face. "Oh, I'm Tommy, and like you probably heard me yelling, that's Tubbo behind me," He leaned into Sapnap's ear, "He's kind of a dumbass, if you know what I mean..."

"I can definitely see that, hah

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"I can definitely see that, hah...." Sapnap laughs awkwardly. "Yea, just don't tell him I said that, he likes to try to use his nubby horns when he's mad..." Tommy adds quietly. "I can't imagine that, he seems like such a softy.." Sapnap looks at the Goatie boy on the grass. "I wouldn't make accusations, he's scary sometimes." Tommy looks at Sapnap, a tinge of fear in his eyes. Sapnap pinched his brow, "Right..." Tommy glanced off to the side and saw the darkness slowly encroaching the sky, "Welp, Tubbo and I gotta go now, Dadza doesn't want us to stay out too late, ya know, parent things." Tommy looks at Sapnap with a smile.

"Right, nice meeting you guys." Sapnap smiles back at the red horned boy. "You too, cmon Tubbo, let's go!" Tubbo looked up and let out a melancholic sigh, "Okay..." He had the bee on his finger. "No bees either." Tommy crossed his arms. "Awwe... ok....I named him Buzz too..." Tubbo let the bee fly away. "You name every bee you find Buzz!" Tommy furrowed his brows. "I know, they all look like a Buzz, that's why." Tubbo looks at Tommy with slow blinking eyes. "Yea, yea, let's go Tubbo.." Tommy waved at Sapnap and the boys skittered down the hill.

The boys headed back home and opened the door to find Wilbur looking very flustered and Techno passed out on the couch. "What happened here?" Tommy glanced around, confused. "Uhm, well, I don't know how to start but, uh...I'm in love.." Wilbur smiled and shrugged. Tubbo's eyes lit up, "OOOOH! Whose the lucky person?!" "Shut your gob, Tubbo!" Tommy reprimanded the excited boy. "Sorry!" Tubbo excused himself quickly. "It's fine, Tubbo...anyways, so on the adventure Techno and I had, I went to get us some water from a nearby river, and I saw a beautiful girl in the water.." Wilbur drifted in daydreams by the mere mention of her. "Was she hot?" Tommy asked.

Wilbur laughed, "Yes, she was, Tommy. So, she came up to me, and I saw a glimpse of what looked like a tail in the water. It was pastel green and reddish pink...Wow, imagining her again is making me blush." Wilburs cheeks glowed bright red again. "Continue already, please!" Tommy demanded of Wilbur, and Tubbo added to it, "Yes, please do!" "Ok, ok, welp, we hit it off, and ended up dating in the end hah.." Wilbur laughed awkwardly. Tommy whispered to Tubbo, "Jeez, talk about taking a relationship fast..." Tubbo whispered back, "They deffo flerted..."

"And then she had to go, and she asked if I'll be back, and I said yes, so we're planning to meet again sometime next week...her name was Sally too..." Wilbur continued on with his story. "Wow, so like are you guys getting married soon, or?" Tommy asked with a raised eyebrow. "Tommy- it's too soon, sheesh..." Wilbur grinned at the idea. Tommy murmurs silently, "Says the one who started dating a girl he just met today..." "What was that Tommy?" Wilbur raises an eyebrow at the muttering. Tommy flails his hands around, "NOTHING!"

Boom, hope you enjoyed! :) See where it's heading eh? Long boi too, lol. Anyways, this took awhile so now I will simply die on the floor. Bye bye :)
Jk, lmao see ya next chapter.

I wrote this in like, April of 2021?? what did I do within that time? Procrastinate, and this was posted in November 2021, just I- But got it out, what can I say, I promised.

damn, this is aged -November 6th, 2022

1399 words

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