3 - A rare finding...

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Since the village fire occurred, Dream had been living with Puffy and Punz peacefully.  Now that he's older, he wants to explore on his own, and be more independent, like the adult he's become. Dream had set out earlier that morning, and he made sure to tell his adopted family so they didn't worry.  He had been wandering around the forest for quite awhile now.  Dream eventually stopped, and sniffed the surroundings.  It smelled familiar, like he had been there once before. 

Dream came to a realization.  No wonder it was so familiar, it was where his childhood village once was.  Dream was stunned with grief, surprised by how much the place had changed after the fire.  It was overgrown, and what was left had developed ivy and moss clusters. Only a singular old, rickety house was left of the once many buildings.  "Oh, oh my god....this village was such a special place, and now it's just....plants. Well, I guess good things don't last forever after all." Dream muttered to himself, his eyes tracing the surroundings and carefully watching his step.

Dream's ears suddenly perked up to growling and a decent distance away scream.  He started heading towards the sounds, cautious to not alert anyone.  Dream slashed the brush in front of him with his axe.  To his surprise, there was a human laid on the forest floor and their body all scraped up.  "Should I help him? I mean...it's not like he can hurt me in this state. Besides, what ever hurt him looks to be claws of a wolven....And no good Mythic goes around harming weaponless humans. He could possibly turn into one of us..so if I let him go and he does change into a Mythic, he'll surely be killed on site..." Dream sighs, and slings his axe onto his back.

"Welp, I guess I'm taking him..." Dream carefully took the human into his arms, the bandages on Dream's arms being soaked with the human's blood.  "God, he's bleeding a lot..."  Dream murmured worriedly, glancing around, "There's one house left in this burnt village...might as well reside there. It's getting dark anyways...Too dangerous to head back now."  Dream entered the damaged house and laid the human on an old, slightly rugged bed.

"  Dream entered the damaged house and laid the human on an old, slightly rugged bed

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"I'm gonna need food...especially with this human here, if I leave him here alone though...." Dream sighs, gritting his teeth in annoyance, "Though, I do have an idea..." Dream pulled dusty sheets over the human.  "Hopefully, this keeps his scent hidden away well enough." Dream headed outside and picked berries off the arrangement of plants scattered throughout the village overgrowth.  He saw two kids through the slight opening in the brush, and smiled, reminiscing on his days as a child.  He wondered where George had gone off too after all this time.  Meanwhile, while Dream spent his time gathering food, another Mythic slid into the run-down house.  "There, that should be enough."  Dream spoke with a slight grin, his hands full of a plentiful harvest.

Dream went back inside the overgrown house.  He looked up and saw someone he didn't recognize, and he glared at the beast.  At this point, the human was slightly awake but not enough to move, but he could definitely hear. "What are you gonna do about it, lone wolven? I'm all powerful, you're just nothing.." The beast spoke in a raspy voice, an evil grin on its dark face.  "I wouldn't be so sure..." Dream took out his axe and swung it around.  The beast's face suddenly changed expressions, "You mutt! Stay away from me with that axe..." "Want to bet?"Dream smirked and charged at the intruder, the menace soon running out the hut with a sore body and broken ego.

" "Want to bet?"Dream smirked and charged at the intruder, the menace soon running out the hut with a sore body and broken ego

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Dream patted his hands off, his self esteem boosted, "Dirty work: done." "AHHHHH! W-Wolven!!" Dream glanced at the bedridden human that screamed bloody-murder.  "Hey, buddy, it's ok...I'm not gonna hurt you, I'm a good wolven, unlike whoever hurt you...."  Dream reassured the terrified man in front of him.  "A-are you s-sure?" The human mumbled, his expression less guarded.  "Yes, I'm sure...what were you doing in the forest?"  Dream set the berries down on the bed, and he sat on the blackened floor boards.

"I-I was looking for an old friend... it's been awhile, and I miss him. 14 years ago he stopped showing up after a near by village burnt down..." The human murmured, his expression solemn.  "W-wait, 14 years ago...my village burnt down then..." Dream stared at the boy with regard, "G-George?"


Shorter chapter sadly, just because there's stuff that I want to put in other chapters that don't match the title for this one. Hope you enjoyed!
To be continued :)

IT HAS BEEN FIXED! -Nov 2nd, 2022

814 words

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