9 - Practice makes Perfect

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Ever since last night, Dream realized he had to help George learn how to control his newfound abilities.  Dream would need to put his crush aside to try to train him.  Would it work?  Find out now!

The next morning, Dream woke up and noticed George was missing.  He sighed, and got out of his makeshift bed on the floor.  He looked outside, the bright light of the early morning sun blinding him.  There, George was sitting with his head in his knees, staring out the clearing of trees.  "George?" Dream spoke out, startling the boy.  "HUH?  Oh-!  It's just you..uhm well, I woke up awhile ago.  I couldn't fall back asleep again so I just came out here.."  George sighed, looking down at the dewy grass below him, poking the water droplets that laid on it.

"I see...but, you know it's dangerous out here, and-"  "I'm not defenseless!  I can defend myself!  I'm a werewolf now too, I can fight my way through things now."  George yelled.  "It's not that easy.." Dream said under his breath.  "What do you mean?  I thought all beasts like you were great fighters?"  George looked at him, a confused look on his face.  "We can be, but you'd need to work for it.  Not everyone is born with strength."  Dream said, looking down at George.  George lifted an eyebrow at him, "Well then, why don't you just train me."  "Eh?!"  Dream said in shock.  "I want you to train me, easy as that."  George spoke confidently, standing up now.  "But-"  George put his finger to Dream's lips, "No buts, I said I wanted you to train me, so do so."  "Ok...but I won't go easy on you!"  Dream teased what seemed to be a new person in front of him.  "Sure, I'd like that."

Soon, they started George's training session.  "Ok, first you'll learn how to enable your claws on command.." Dream blabbed on, planning what they'll do for the day.  George stood very bored in front of Dream, staring at him.  "What?!"  Dream shouted.  "You're dillydallying, I want to start already!"  "Alright, alright..."  Dream sighed, admitting he was trying to waste time.  "Ok, think about your claws, right now they're hidden, but if you focus on them, they should pop out.."  Dream said, remembering his early days of training.  George took a deep breath, and looked at his hands, focusing on them.  After awhile, they seemed not to progress at all.  "Nothing's happening!"  George yelled out in frustration.

"Hold your horses George, it takes time, patience too."  Dream reassured him.  "WELL I DON'T HAVE PATIENCE!"  George screamed, wanting to give up.  Dream covered his ears, "Jeez!  Calm down..."  George pouted and crossed his arms.  Dream crouched down, "Let's see..what are you focusing on exactly?.."  Dream said, trying to see if George truly wasn't doing this right.  "Well, since you said claws, I assumed I should focus on my hands."  "And what exactly on your hands?"  Dream asked him.  "Well, claws, duh."  George said, looking weirdly at him as if he were dumb.  "And what are claws?"  Dream asked him, a smirk slowing crawling up his face.  "Uhm, nails?"  George spoke skeptically.  "Heh, and what are you focusing on again..?"  George looked down, feeling incredibly stupid.  "My hands..."

Dream smiled, "Now you see why it wasn't working?"  George sighed, "Yea..."  "Now try again."  George took a deep breath in once again, and focused on his nails this time.  Suddenly, his nails sharpened.  George stood in awe looking at them.  "Woah.."  Dream stared at him, feeling proud and slightly blushing.  "Gosh, why is he so cute?.."  Dream thought to himself, seeming to zone out, not noticing George had gotten closer to him and was now staring at him.  "DREAM!  WAKE UP!"  George finally screamed in boredom from staring at him for so long.  Dream came too, and looked at the boy who was closer than he remembered.  "Ack!  I'm sorry!  I kinda zoned out for a moment..."

"Jeez, you're so lazy."  George mumbled.  "Dang, guess turning into a werewolf must've gained you some newfound confidence..." Dream told the overconfident wolf in front of him.  "Sure as hell it did!  Becoming a werewolf wasn't so bad after all!"  George smiled proudly.  Dream couldn't help smiling, "Yea, yea...but it's not all sunshine and rainbows, you still have a lot to learn."  "I know, I know.."  George sighed  "And, I'm not lazy...Already forgot who saved you from being murdered by a pack of hungry werewolves a few days ago?"  Dream reminded George.  George looked down, "Yes, and I thank you for that.  But if it weren't for them, I probably wouldn't be what I am today!"  George said, soon returning to his overconfident attitude.  Dream frowned, "You do realize they probably didn't mean to do that, right?  Their first intentions were probably to kill you..."

George pouted, "You're probably right...but I can dream..who knows, they might've turned me into their king for all we know!"  George said, laughing it off.  Dream admired his confidence, and lack of worries, but he still worried what their true intentions were...and why they kept coming back...  "Anyways, don't I still have a lot to learn?  So stop wasting time!  Let's train!"  George giggled, jumping up and down excitedly.  Dream smiled, putting his worrisome thoughts behind him, "Yeah..let's do that."

(GOD DAMN I AM SO VERY SORRY FOR THE LACK OF CONTENT M'DUDES.  I have not written for about 6 months, I did not write since like the start of 2021 summer break..  And I'm very sorry for that!  In all honesty, I've been running dry of ideas for this, but, I think inktober does stuff to me and rejuvenates my creativity cause oh boy do I have ideas!  As of when I wrote this I'm currently working on the art for "Who the hell are you?"  and I've only finished one art piece rn, and haven't started the second piece yet, but I will before Christmas as promised!  But you know what that means, you won't see this for awhile, ahahahahah...)  Current date: November 20th, 2021

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