7 - Crushy Mushy

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At this point, Dream and Sapnap went out to get food, as they didn't have much left since Sapnap decided to eat it all.  They headed out at 5 pm, Dream can see well in the dark and Sapnap didn't oppose it.  Dream seemed nervous, or maybe worried, it was hard to tell.

"Hey, Dream, are you ok? You look like you just saw a ghost..." Sapnap stares at Dream, a concerned look on his face. Dream snapped out of his hazy trancelike look, "Wah? Huh? Oh, uhm, I'm fine, just thinking about something..." "What's on your mind dude?" Sapnap questioned the dazed Dream.

Before Dream could say anything, Sapnap blurted out possible answers to his odd behavior, "Is it food?  Your past?  Or is it..love?" Dream grew red at the last remark, "What, why would you think love...?!" "Well, does that mean you were thinking about it?" Sapnap had a smirk crawl up his face. "I mean, I won't accept nor deny that question..." Dream sighed, rubbing his neck with a slight smile.

Sapnap caught up to Dream's charade, "AHAH! YOU'RE IN LOVE WITH SOMEONE, AREN'T YA?" "Hey! Calm down, I don't even know what it is

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Sapnap caught up to Dream's charade, "AHAH! YOU'RE IN LOVE WITH SOMEONE, AREN'T YA?" "Hey! Calm down, I don't even know what it is.." Dream glared at Sapnap with embarrassment visible on his freckled face. "What do you mean by that?..." Sapnap seemed more confused than he had left off. Dream sighed, "Well, I've been thinking about him a lot..." "Him? Do you mean George?" Sapnap smirked. "God, yes, I do, now shut up Sapnap..." Dream groaned. "Sorry, sorry!" Sapnap apologized quickly, "Go on."

"Earlier today, when I introduced you to him..he said him and I were friends, and for some reason..it stung.." Dream sighed, seeming upset due to a small thing that should've meant nothing. "Hey, man. I'm sure if you guys bond more maybe it could be...something more?" Sapnap reassured Dream, a grin on his face. "That'd be nice. For now it's probably just..nothing I should care about." Dream spoke with a tinge of sadness still in his voice.

Sapnap couldn't help but frown, "Look, dude, you don't know how George feels either. Maybe he didn't want to say you guys were just friends either!" He tried his best to help Dream. Dream smiled softly, "You're right. I'll be alright, for now let's focus on the task at hand." Sapnap saluted, "I, I, Captain!"

Maybe, just maybe, George does think the same.

Dream looked through the clearings in the trees, and realized the sun was setting, "We better hurry, we shouldn't leave George all alone at night." "Worrying much, Mr. Lovebird?" Sapnap said, still in the mood for jokes. "Shut up! He is human, and injured. Remember that?" Dream reprimanded Sapnap. "Yeah, yeah, sorry...sorry.." Sapnap said, scratching the back of his neck. The two Mythics headed towards their burnt shelter after collecting food for the friend group, only being berries.

The men walked into the abandoned house they had settled into. "George, we're back.." Dream looked around, the silence deafening. "Uh, George?" Sapnap spoke, and a growl rises from beyond them. "Stand behind me Sapnap, I think I know where George is..." Dream said with an unfortunate knowledge, and walked closer to where the growling came from. Then, something lunged at Dream. "SHIT!" Dream fell backwards, and hastily stared at what had attacked him, "George?!" George had turned into a Mythic, seemingly crazed.

Dream tried knocking some sense into the crazed George as Sapnap stood in awe, "George! Hey! Snap out of it, it's us!" Dream put his hands on George's face, somehow snapping George back to reality. George looked at him, shocked, slight blush on his face to Dream's touch, "Wait, Dream?!" "George! You-" Dream says in shock, glad George is ok. George jumped back quickly, his face a bit red and his head turned away from Dream, "I'm so sorry, I don't know what happened..."

Realization his Dream and he looked red in the face, "N-no, no, it's fine..I expected this anyways, don't feel sorry for it, ok?" He rubbed the back of his neck. George looked back at Dream, "A-Alright...did you guys get food? Or did you go out for nothing? I'm really hungry." George murmured, the blush on his face subsiding. Dream got up hastily and looked at Sapnap, who groaned and dropped the basket with annoyance, "Oh- Yea, we did. Sapnap has it. You can eat whatever, I know you're probably starving." "What about you guys?" George asks quickly. "Oh, don't worry about it. I'll be ok. And Sapnap's ate enough anyways." Dream smiles charmingly, and Sapnap just nods with disappointment. "Alright."

George walked over and picked the basket up, sitting back on the bed afterwards. "No meat?" George said, sounding a tad disappointed. "Sorry, I didn't want to take too long..." Dream spoke with embarrassment, rubbing the back of his neck. "Why's that?" George tilted his head. "Well.." Dream went a bit red, but Sapnap interrupted before he could say anything more, "I was really hungry-! And told him to hurry- That's why!" "Why aren't you eating then?" George seemed confused still. "Ate on the way here." Dream adds to Sapnap's saving story. "Yep!" Sapnap smiles with pride. George stared, "Hm. Alright, more for me..."

George started munching on the plentiful berries and Dream and Sapnap went outside to talk. "Thanks, dude, for that story you made up in there.." Dream smiled awkwardly, the moonlight reflecting off his nose slightly. "Of course, I wouldn't want you being exposed so soon, would I?" Sapnap smirked, bumping his elbow to Dream's. Dream smiled contagiously, "Yea, yea..." "I'm serious, I'd be glad to help you out whenever I can. I want the best for you, dude." Sapnap smiles softly, seeming more serious than usual. Dream stared with appreciation for the scruffy Pandan, "I'd do the same for you, too, dude."

"We'd better go back in, wouldn't want your bOyFrIenD all by his lonesome, now would we?" Sapnap teased Dream, which led him to get swatted. "God, shut your gob, you're so annoying..." Dream smiled, joking along with Sapnap as they went inside.

AHHHHHHHHH! Sorry it's been like a month since I have written, it was hard to write this so yea lol.  Hope you enjoyed this chapter.  As of the time of writing this it's currently spring break of 2021 so poggers!  See ya next chapter that might take me another month to get motivation to write, lmao.  Bye!  (Also I'm being lazy in the art department so chapters being released is delayed, sorry!) (this is kinda cringe ik)

this part was changed a lot lmao, I did not write love well back then -November 7th, 2022

1118 words

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