10 - Special Child

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It was time for another adventure for the two brothers, they were off to a familiar place, as Wilbur had to see a certain someone after a promise he had made.

"You're off on another adventure already?! But you just got back!" The blonde haired child yelled at Wilbur and Techno. "Yes, yes, but I promise, it'll be shorter this time!" Wilbur told Tommy, reassuring his energetic mind. Techno just looked blankly at Wilbur, wondering why he had to be dragged off into this "adventure" that really just was Wilbur's date with Sally. Phil smiled at them and waved them off as they exited the quaint home's doors.

Wilbur was very excited about this whole thing, as it was just purely for him, but it couldn't be close to the same for Technoblade. He was forced into going with Wilbur to make sure nothing bad happened to Wil, as Phil is an overprotective parent. "Techno, what's with the long face? Aren't you at least a little happy for me?" Wilbur said to Techno, spotting his faint unhappiness. Techno stayed quiet. Sure, he was happy for Wil and all, but a fake adventure wasn't all that fun nor exciting.

Wilbur patted Techno's back, "Hey, I know you were dragged into this and all, but I'll try to get Phil to trust me on my own next time, ok?" Techno's mood changed, and his smile became visible again. "Good. I'm getting tired of being a grown man's babysitter." Wilbur let out a small laugh, "You know Phil, always watching our backs." Techno nodded. "Hey, isn't this our stop?" "Oh! You're right, the river is right near here. Thanks for reminding me, you had all the reason to just never tell me..!" Techno blanked, 'I could of totally done that. Welp. This is why I'm doomed to being exclusively an english expert!'

Wilbur walked towards the river, soon seeing a woman with red hair patiently waiting by the river banks. Wilbur's demeanor immediately lit up seeing her, "Hey Sally!" Sally smiled, "Wilbur! There you are! I was beginning to think you weren't coming.." She said, nervously laughing. Wilbur sat down by the bank, taking Sally's hand and kissing it, "I'd never run around and desert you m'lady." Sally blushed and looked away nervously. "Gosh I wish we could be together longer, ya know? Have a family and stuff.. But because of, well..ya know.." Wilbur looked at her tail, "We just can't, it's nearly impossible..."

"Well, you know, there is a way, even if I'm not around all the time." Wilbur eyed her, his interest peeked. "Wilbur, would you mind plucking a strand of your hair for me?" Wilbur, a little confused at first, does so and puts it in her hand. Sally then proceeded to chip a scale off her tail. The two items now in her hands, she closed her eyes and seemed to focus on them. Wilbur continues to get more confused, but told himself he should trust the process. A puff of smoke appeared suddenly and clouded both's vision. It cleared up fast and left where the strand of hair and scale once were a fox like child in Sally's arms.

Wilbur, reasonably, freaks out. Sally told him to shush, as the fox baby is sleeping. She explains to him it is their child, just made through magic and in a much easier method. Wilbur calms, smiling and taking the child in his arms. "What should his name be?" Sally asks Wilbur, who is cradling the baby. "How about Fundy?" Sally nods, "I like that name."

Techno must've overheard Wilbur's shouts, as he comes through the bushes, axe in hand. "What's with all the noise?" Sally stares at the boar skull masked man, and hides her face under the water, only allowing her eyes to peek out. Wilbur looked over his shoulder, "Don't worry Sally, this is my brother Technoblade." Sally poked her head out of the water again, still weary of his frightful appearance. "Hello Technoblade.." Technoblade tilts his head and waves. "Well, what's with the shouting?" Wilbur smiled, "Oh that? Sally just surprised me, that's all." "With what?" Techno wondered, his curiosity clearly peeked. "Well, a child!" Wilbur said, standing up and revealing the sleeping infant in his arms. Techno lifted up his skull mask to make sure he was seeing things right, squinted, and blinked a few times as well. Sally smiled shyly and Wilbur explained the whole predicament to Techno.

"So you're telling me that the mermaid took a piece of your hair, and one of her scales, and made a whole baby?..." Techno said, his hand to his chin. Wilbur nodded, "Yes..I don't see what you're stuck on.." "Well I'm just confused as to why it's a fox necessarily..if you're a bird, and she's a fish.." Wilbur blanked. "Wait....Sally, why is he a fox exactly?" Sally stared, "Well, to be honest, the species usually differs with these spells. So it was just by random chance." Wilbur nodded, "I see..does that explain it well enough for you Techno?" "Eh, it's good enough. Just make sure you explain it to the others too, cause I sure as hell am not." Wilbur sighed, "Yeah, yeah.."

"Well we should go, see ya fish lady." Techno said. "Wait! I have to tell him something quick! It'll be fast, I swear!" Sally hurriedly asked. "Alright..hurry then, I wanna go home already." Techno then walked back through the bushes. "What is it Sally?" Wilbur asked her. "Well every time you visit, please bring Fundy.." "I will, I promise." Wilbur said reassuringly. "Oh, and here's a necklace for him. To have me there at all times even when I'm not around, and for you, a promise ring. Wilbur smiled, taking the necklace and ring from her, placing the necklace on Fundy's neck and the ring on his finger. Wilbur waved at her, and started walking off. "Wait! There's one more thing I forgot to mention!" Wilbur turned and tilted his head.

"There's a side effect to the magic, and since you're not a merperson, the part of your hair you plucked the strand from might start turning white..." Wilbur sighs, "That's fine, it'll add to my character anyways." He smiles. Sally laughs, "Thanks for your understanding, and goodbye, for now." Sally waved to Wilbur, as he walks through the bushes, making sure to keep Fundy close. "You're finally back jeez, let's go home already." Techno told Wilbur, clearly unamused. Wilbur smiled nervously and they began their journey back home.
Wilbur had a heck of a time telling everyone at home about the new baby. Tommy wouldn't stop asking for him to reiterate about how it happened, he said it was for a book he called "how to sex", Wilbur eventually got tired of his blabbing and just told him to shut up. Tubbo gave baby Fundy a recently picked flower, it was a much needed refresher from Tommy's yapping. Phil, was just happy he had a grandchild now, he didn't care how it happened. Techno didn't show much emotion towards the child, but he didn't mind him. After everything Phil whipped up a cradle for Wilbur to set in his room. Fundy was now asleep comfortably, and Wilbur would now finally get his well needed rest after a long day.

Woo! That was a lot...when I tell you I wrote notes for this chapter because I was afraid of forgetting it, I wouldn't be lying. I am very happy with how this chapter came out and I hope you did too :) Anyways, goodnight, as it is currently 3 am and I have to go back to school in a day. Also, happy 2022! Current date: January 3rd, 2022

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