Falling Trouble

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A/N: Hope you enjoy this chapter! I know it's short but I hope you like it!

Ponyboy's POV

I haven't been feeling so hot lately, I've been tired constantly and had zero motivation to do anything other than sleep. My appetite has been nonexistent, and I've been moodier than normal. I didn't feel sick, I didn't throw up and I wasn't hot or cold or anything, so I thought I could just wait it out and hoped it would go away on it's own. That was probably a mistake. I should have told someone. Then what happened could have been avoided...

"Ponyboy it's time to get up." Darry said as he walked into my room. Soda was already up and getting ready for work and I already used my "Five more minutes" card. Darry shot the light on, and I threw the blanket over my head. "Come on Pony." Darry walked over and pulled me out of bed. "You're going to be late if you stay in bed any longer."

My vision went black from being yanked out of bed too fast. I leaned against Darry and forced him to hold me up. "I'm tired." I muttered.

"I told you to go to bed at ten last night." Darry told me and pushed myself off of him.

"I did." I groaned, rubbing my eyes and standing by myself.

"Well then maybe you otta go to bed at nine from now on." Darry swatted me lightly and then left my room.

I pulled the first clean t-shirt out of my closet and slipped on a pair of jeans that were on the floor. I gathered my homework and shoved it into my beat up backpack and then slugged my way into the kitchen. I plopped myself onto the couch and watched cartoons, letting myself doze off.

"I know you didn't brush your teeth and hair yet." Darry scolded from the kitchen. "Make sure you're actually ready before you start watching TV."

I didn't say anything, just sighed and forced myself to get off the couch. I went into the bathroom, reached around Soda, who was doing his own hair, and quickly got ready.

Soda must have spent five minutes on his hair, getting it to fall "Just right" But I quickly ran a comb through mine and called it a day.

As I walked out of the bathroom and into the kitchen, my vision went black again. I ran right into Darry and fell straight on my ass. "Ow." I muttered and felt myself being pulled back to my feet.

"You okay?" Darry looked more annoyed than concerned.

"Yeah, sorry." I said softly. I sat at the table and Darry placed a plate of eggs and toast in front of me.

Soda joined me at the table and began scoffing down his breakfast. "You sure you're okay Pony?" Soda asked, curiously looking at my face which was drowsy and pale.

"Yeah, just tired." I told him and pushed my food around with my fork.

"Eat." Darry said harshly and sat down.

"I'm not hungry." I said, knowing I was about to get scolded.

"You need to eat." Darry told me. "You didn't eat breakfast yesterday and you only had a few bites of dinner last night because I forced you to." He shot me a glare with his icey eyes and I took a small bite.

Darry stood up and went to get his coffee, and I quickly shoved some of my food onto Soda's plate. "Are you sure you're okay?" Soda asked and raised an eyebrow at me.

"Yeah." I told him with a forced, weak smile. "There's a new movie out, Ten Little Indians, it's an adaptation of the book, it was a really good book. Though the ending was quite a stretch. You'd never guess who the murderer was, there's just no way. Probably because it doesn't make a whole lot of sense. I meant I guess it does. But it's also a little implausible that everyone would corroborate exactly how he wanted them to. Especially Vera. I won't spoil it though. Anyways, you should come and see it with me." Books and movies always got me talking. I probably talked more about them then I did everything else combined.

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