Addicted, blurb

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Addicted, Blurb.

Well I'm Nathan Gall the famous singer slash guitar player, I have stone grey eyes and brownish blond hair, two years ago I would have been called chink cause I look part Chinese when I'm part Malaysian but now girls drool over me, I was kidnapped for a time but I escaped only to be accidentally hit by a frying pan, (lucky me) I got my sweet revenge on the kidnappers, I'm in a new band called Addicted and Oblivious didn't work out so well, (You should know this if your a drooling fan), we are rock, punk and metal, the members of my band is: Chips, Smash and Dud they call me Wreck.

This is my life of fame,

This is my messed up life.

And this is how I like it.

AddictedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora