Addicted, Chapter 8

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Tell me, Chapter 8.

"Nathan, shouldn't you be writing songs on what were going to play?" Ian asked.

"It comes naturally." I reply, I was leaning back with my eyes closed thinking.

"Well not for us." Ian stated.

"Trust me it will tonight." I say opening my eyes then I lean forward and put my elbows on the table.

"Tell me how?" Kyle asks.

"Look I have always made up songs on the spot, trust me go back to basics and then just go with the tune." I explain.

"I don't know about you but I'm getting in line for something to eat." Gary said getting up from the table and standing in a line, he looks daft he is standing in line with a mask on, tapping his foot with his arms crossed.

"I'm going to get some tacos." I ran over to the line.

fifteen minutes later were digging into spicy tacos.

"Freaking A-list tacos!" I laughed, what we did to what was just take off the bottom bit of our masks, and right now were all eating tacos.

"It's sad we can't eat more." Kyle looked lovingly towards his taco.

"Say what!" Ian jumped on his seat shocked.

"We can't eat more or we will get heart burn." I explain.

"ADDICTED! Your preforming now!" The manager shouts.

"Lets go guys." Munching the last of my taco.

We got up and started walking to the stage, the curtain is still down Ian, Gary and Kyle take there positions, I take a bottle of water and pour it in a line down the middle of the stage.

"What are you doing!" Kyle yelled.

"You will see." I laugh and I run behind a speaker and make stairs out of boxes to the top.

The curtains open and the audience gasp and then start screaming, Dud, Chips and Crash start playing the intro.

I run up make-shift stairs and jump off the speaker, I fly in the air for about five seconds I hit the water trail with my knees and skid down it playing a guitar solo.

When I stop I lie on my back and push backwards flying back to the mic, I get up by doing a breakdance spin still playing my guitar.

"Did you like that!" I shouted down the mic, the crowd screams.

I begin to sing.

"I trusted you,

You broke my heart,

I trusted you.

You crushed my spirit.

And in the end...


See these lies.

Know the truth.

You stabbed me in my back,

Lets see if we can backtrack...

See the lies!

Know the truth!

And in the end!


Waiting in a crowed room,

Hoping you would get here soon,

Do I need to make these rhymes.

And to find these similes.

Make a difference...

But not in me!

But in the end...

I don't care!"

I finish the rest of the song, the crowd cheers.

"Alright we have something special tonight!" I shout, the crowd cheers I wait for them to calm down.

"Yup OK... The light men..." I say dramatically. "Come on wheres the cheers?" The crowd cheers again.

"OK the light-men are going to pick four people from the crowd randomly" I say and make them start circling the audience.

"Stop!" I shout and some how mysteriously they all land on four hot girls.

"OK the four that are chosen come onto the stage." I order and they climb onto the stage, I help them up by giving them a hand.

"Stand in a line." I order, they do it.

"OK now each of you go to the band member infront of you." I blink, the band is looking confused so is the girls. A girl stands next to me, shes pretty blond hair blue eyes slim that sort of thing.

"OK you have all heard about the warrant and the arrest if we preform without the masks the charges will be dropped." I explain, the girl is blushing now from being onstage.

"Get to the point!" Someone shouts.

"Welcome to the un-masking!" I shout, the crowd cheers.

"So I have to take the mask off?" The girl whispers, I nod her fingers clasp around the bottom part of my mask and she pulls it over my head.

The crowd has held it breath I catch the bottom part before it hits the ground,

She pulls the other one off, the crowd gasps, I catch the other part.

"Yeah it's me Nathan Gall! Soloist, Oblivious and now Addicted!" I shout/explain, I look back and see my friends un-masking, I toss my mic to them and they say who they are all of them said they were my friends, the mic is back passed back to me.

"Listen for the sound of music and be there before it ends." I shout and I bunch my mask into a cotton ball then I throw in into the crowd and then we all walk off together, the girls unsure what to do and follow us.

"Hey where are you going?" The girl who was standing next to me shouts.

"Look we only have half a hour before the police start the search for us maybe arrest us, I don't know so I am going to make sure that doesn't happen see ya later person and sorry for embarrassing you." I half explain.

"Eve." She states.

"What?" I turn around.

"My name is Eve." She explains.

"Well see you later... Eve." And I run off.

Another person I won't see ever again in my life.


Oh I love how I'm juicing things up!

Anyway I'm making a third book! 

Different song: Nickleback How you remind me


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