Addicted, Chapter 5

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Look! Chapter 5.

The rest of the night passed peacefully, I thanked Jackie for her cooking and left I didn't want to leave it was just the looks I was getting from Jasmine's dad Owen.

I walk back home staying clear of the dark places and walking near the road, just routine and safety for me, I get back home and get changed into my PJ's I was feeling cold tonight so instead of getting a top I got my sleeping bag, I just feel uncomfortable wearing tops or t-shirts while in bed, just like wearing shirts. T-shirts, jackets and jeans is what I live by I don't even like hoodies that much!

I lie and bed and fall asleep almost instantly but quickly pondering on how my life is going.

"WAKE UP!" The sound of my voice blared from a recording.

"Holy mother of God!" I jump, the best way to wake me up is to give me a fright otherwise I am just asleep for the first few hours, wait that tune is a last resort if I'm about to sleep in.

I mutter a curse under my breath, I put on boxers, socks, jeans and a t-shirt only then I yawn and stretch, maybe I should have some of that soup Dud made in home economics, he sure did add a lot of chili powder.

***Recent Flashback***

"Gary?" I say.

"Mhm?" He replies.

"Are you... trying to make a bomb?" I ask.

"What?" He fakes pretending to act like he isn't.

"Well your adding so much chili powder that the entire Royal Navy will try and drink the sea!" I state.

"Well try it." He asks thinking I'll run for the taps, I shrug and get a spoon, I peer in it.

"Is that bacon?" I raise my eyebrow, he makes a

"I don't know sound."

"Very reassuring." I mutter, I take a spoon and plonk it in, Gary smiles.

"I wouldn't do that if I was you." The teacher says holding a glass of water, just to annoy them both I shove it in my mouth, chew whatever he has in it and swallow.

"Could do with some curry powder to make it spicier." I comment, both of them just open there mouths, I quickly grab a fresh spoon, put it in the soup and plonk it in Gary's mouth.

"Ah!" He screams, running for the taps while I literary fall over laughing.

"Need... Air... To... Survive!" I some how say between my laughing fits, Jasmine took her phone out and recorded the whole thing.


It is decided! I shall eat some soup, I take a sip of the soup, it's just a tiny bit tingly.

"Dad!" I shout, my mum left before me, he walks through holding coffee.

"Yeah." He yawns.

"Try this soup I made in school." All the food I make is to mild but other people love it, my dad sips it then downs the coffee, looking worried he rushes over to the sink and fills his mug full of water.

"You made that!?!" He says between drinking water.

"Gary did." I explain and it all makes sense.

"For your punishment for tricking me you have to swallow that in one without liquid to cool your throat for five minutes, after school." He states.

"Fine." Looking miserable but knowing I could get much worse.

I go through my morning routines quickly as I'm almost late for school, but I will always brush my teeth if I have missed breakfast or I haven't, I just like to keep my teeth white and shiney.

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