Addicted, Chapter 3

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Just like that movie, Chapter 3.

I woke up in a good mood, what is surprising because I have to wake up at half seven every school morning, I put on a jumper so I don't walk around the house half naked and it's also really cold, so I put my school clothes in the dryer for half a hour to warm up, my dad walks past me because this is my mum's day of work she is still probably dreaming, my dad turns on the news.

"Today is crazy," The weather man said. "It has gone from a warm June day to a bitterly cold day, this is because of a wind coming from the North East..." I eat my cereal in peace but a song is in my head when he said crazy.

"Dad?" I say, he looks at me. "I have a song." He smiles and nods knowing I can't change my songs, knowing I can only sing sad songs I start to sing quietly.

"This is crazy,

This is obvious,

Can I make any more sense?

Just because of this crazy,

Don't make it predictable,

What can I say?

I'm a realist.

I don't believe in truth.

I don't belive in lies,

Watch this I break through this conspiracy.

Watch how they flee,

I'm not a realist,

I'm a survivalist,

Just because I can't!

Makes me ANGRY!

What can I say?

I'm crazy."

I smile as I know they hear me sing almost everyday and when I don't they say "Don't have a song?" But I know they love to hear me sing, I finish my Crunchy Nut and I go brush my teeth. I get my clothes out five minutes early and put them on, and I hate my school clothes the clothes I normally wear is much warmer, and they say were all individuals when we enter the school and then they say were making ourselves known individuals, I was like "What the hell!" then tried to make me wear uniform and I said. "If you want me to wear a uniform you have to buy it, because you want me to wear it, it cost's my family money." And I reckon I had a good argument but then they got fed up and bought clothes for me, I was sad.

I went outside but not before giving my dad a hug, what? You never know when you could die and when there's crazy drivers and your on a bike. I jump on my bike and free-wheel it down the driveway, I pull the breaks and open the gate and then close the gate, I look both ways and then go on the road turning right, it takes me fithteen minutes to get to school cycling, and I live a mile away.

When I reach school I put my bike at the back and padlock it to the bars and walk into school finding my friends (without their masks) Gary, Ian and Kyle. Kyle is drummer, Ian is backup lead and Gary is bass.

"You guys get dropped off?" I ask. They nod, briefly looking up from their Ipods, I look over at Gary's and it's showing progress on people who are selling merchandise about us.

"Hey Nath are we gonna sell stuff soon?" Kyle asks.

"Of course Kyle." Ian glares at Kyle jokingly.

"Guys don't worry after school I'm going to pick up our money," I say putting both my hands up. "Then we invest it on advertisement and merchandise." I explain.

"What your not grounded?" Gary asks with jaw dropping.

"You stayed up later than us and your not grounded... Really?" Ian sighs.

"Hey just because I'm a good liar." I wink. The bell goes and we put away our stuff and walk to regi.

In regi it's just a total mess around, my regi is my music teacher and I'm his best student.

"So Nath are you going to preform soon?" He asks and I know what he mean. Before I was in Oblivious I was solo and everyone knew I was the best, and everyone knew why I stopped.

"Maybe but I don't have the extra time to." I smile knowing that the band behind me was blue toothing pictures of us on stage to each other. Everybody in regi finally came in  talking about the appearance of Addicted.

"I was at the concert and it was soo amazing, I even got backstage passes and meet the band." She goes on lying, and before I could stop myself I say.

"No you didn't," I say at her, everybody looks at me. "They invited me backstage and I got to know them also wheres your one?" I take out my backstage pass from under my shirt, everyone gasps.

"Mines at home." She said in a matter of faculty voice.

"So you left your only proof at home? And you didn't bring it in to brag?" At times I can be very pervasive. By this time I'm surrounded by people looking at my pass.

"It has the right date, time everything!" On girl shrieked. That hurt my ears but then Jasmine walked in.

"Sorry." I leave them and walk over to her. I hear someone mutter slut as I went to her. I turned around and shot her daggers.

"Hey." She says hugging me she smells of strawberries and sweets, I place a quick kiss on her cheek, I don't care everybody knew we are together, the best thing was we had all our classes together apart from ICT. I let go but still holds her hands and I turn to my music teacher.

"Sir? Do I have to do keyboard today?" I ask him because I already done the whole booklet.

"Uh no you can play guitar." Ha haknows me to well and when I don't sing while playing the guitar people just go, "Start singing Nathan." And that was ever since I won the computation.

Jasmine and me were un sepable the whole day, in P.E. If she got tired I picked her up in science I explained things to her etc. I got good grades she got good grades everybody was happy, well apart from the people who want one of us gone so they can have the other but that's it.

I was daydreaming in maths our final subject.

"Nathan? Nathan!" My teacher waved at me from the front of the class.

"Uh yes... eight hundred divided by eight is one hundred and dividing that by ten is ten." I say quickly.

"Yes Nathan that's correct... But I asked you to open the window." He sighed, I go red and open the window.

My day was a lot less eventful but I spent the whole day with Jasmine.

So it was worth it.

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