Addicted, Epilogue

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Yeah so here's my epilogue enjoy!


Addicted, Epilogue.

Yeah so when we called home the charges was dropped and Jasmine wasn't forced by her dad to tell us in fact her dad grounded her for a month I think... But from that day on we were celebs never left alone etc etc, so we had to make record deals and that.


He went off on a long holiday and when he returned he was swamped by fans and to do modeling and all that stuff.


Well hes not a friend anymore he turned from awesome prankster to absolute player.


I dumped her, she told everyone about us because apparently she felt she was living in a shadow.


They were all shocked to find out why were late home some nights and grounded us all for about... three months.


Continued to love us and forced us to hire body guards and sign record deals.


Went to America, a school only rich people can afford to go into and since there rich and snooty (most of them) they had no idea what punk, metal and rock is so let the changing begin here comes Father Gary.


I was lost in major politics for music, I found out that Addicted made thirty percent of the population re-convert to the real music... Firstly I always attract trouble so don't expect the story to end just yet, also I have been 'sick' most days, for some reason. *Nudge, wink, wink* my 'docter' believes it's the, 'stress' the fans are causing at my concerts...


Addicted has broken up due to fan problems and total player issues *cough* Kyle *cough* The fans are sad but I think something might happen... *Wink*

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