Addicted, Chapter 9

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Time Up, Chapter 9.

Well one potential fan down I have nine hundred and ninety nine to get through.

"Where are we going?" Ian asked.

"I'm calling in a favour, we don't get paid for that one we just get a favour and I'm calling it in." I hint.

"Were going to play out in the open with stuff we get from here." Gary explained.

"Dang nammit! I just lost my mystery now." I complain, everyone chuckles as we run into the managers office.

"Amazing performance!" He exclaims, he gets up with a wad of cash.

"No money we need equipment for a performance." I say quickly.

"With this cash I can buy ten full stage equipments." He laughs, and Kyle chuckles.

"OK this is the plan." I say as I walk up to him and whisper in his ear.

"Dude were in this to togather." Ian comments.

"Fine..." I sigh and tell them the plan.

"Awesome!" Ian explains.

"Right now?" Kyle says with a eyebrow raised.

"Do it." Gary smiles.

I smile and get prepared.

lots of sleeping hours later, the police is looking for us were now fugitives.

"We ready?" I shout.

"Hell yeah!" They all reply.

The van starts moving, and we get our guitars on Crash is on top of the van lying down.

"Stop in the middle of the traffic lights!" I shout to the driver, the vans stop in the middle of the four way traffic lights next to each other, in a warm summers day with clear blue skies, Crash starts playing the slow intro with the drums on top of the van.

"Go, go, go!" I scream, we jump out the back of the van and on top of it.

How we did it you ask? Well we hooked the amps to the batteries yes batteries what do you think we were sitting on, we welded the drum kit to the top of the van and Crash was holding onto it, the mic is a portable one attached to your ear and stretches down to your mouth.

To sum it all up... Very dangerous.

"Play the song!" I shout and Kyle presses the button on the CD player so it starts to play Linkin Park Faint, my guess perfect song and we now have their attention.

People are getting out their cars, personally what were doing seems tacky but it's this or playing in a car park, I feel slightly like that person that sings: Skater girl, well I think it's that song.

"Now that we have your attention!" I shout, yeah massive roadblock, I start to play the guitar solo intro to our song, lots of F and G cords.

I could hear sirens not far off but they have to get through traffic.

"Hear my words,

And watch those curves.

Listen to my rap.

Don't be a sap.

We are addicted,

No where near sadistic,

Now we speak up.

Drop your cup."

I sing the intro, this is going to be good I watch them they have open mouths the teens surge forward to make a rave pit.

"Hear us shout!

Hear us scream,

And listen to our words...

Don't turn your back on me!

Give us something worth fighting for,

Could you ask for more,

Listen to my rap.

You might think it's crap.

And hopefully you don't need a map.


Hear us shout!.


Hear us scream!

I started slow.

But now I'm raging high!

Take out your phone.

And call home."

Personally I think this is good, almost everyone has formed a giant rave pit, many people took out phones for pictures and to call others or just to record us, and since the ground police can't get through they called in a chopper, the person must be new since he put on the lights and it's focused on us, I finish singing.

"Did you like that!?!" I shout, I series of screams follow.

"Well we are Addicted!" I shout, wait wheres my mask... Oh yeah now I remember I tossed mine into the crowd, "And I'm Nathan, Nate to some people." I wink, and that had to be done.

I stomp twice on roof of the van and we sped off down a ally-way and now leaving confused fans thinking. 'What the hell just happened.'

So yeah that's my story and lets just say...

I'm not dead yet.


Ya like it?

So that's the great ending.

I'm going to do the epilogue now.

By the way was it a good cliffhanger I put at the end???

Wait till I write the next and FINAL book.

Adios amigos and amigas!

AddictedTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang