Addicted, Chapter 1

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Meet the crew, Chapter 1.

So yeah hi hope your not a drooling fan cause I kinda have enough of them, my name is Nathan Gall but every time I'm on stage it's Wreck, no it's not something the fans started calling me it's something the band made, and no I don't wreck my guitar. We all agreed we would have stage names when we preform because we love music, were not in it for the money or the fame and so no one recognizes us we wear masks. They are buffs and that's the name of them buffs, my buff is a skull lower half and fire on the top, I love the movie ghost rider in fact I'm a devote music and movie lover and devoted to my girlfriend Jasmine and she is the only person out the band who knows it's us.

"Wreck were on!" Dud yelled in my ear and waved infront of my face, I was walking tothe stage getting thumbs up from everyone my band walking in a diamond formation, and positions correct, Smash at back drummer, he has broken records on his buffs, Chips is to the right back up lead guitar he has smily faces on his each a different colour, Dud my best friend left he's bass and he has guitar strings on his buffs.

A smile spread across my face, Jasmine is covering for me tonight my family doesn't know who I am but I had the same thing two years ago.


... Ten minutes later we had it all sorted Duncan, George, Jasmine and me were going to be in a band.

"First we need a band name I think we sho-" I cut Tom off.

"How about Oblivious?" I apologized for cutting in...


What great fun that was, Smash was in position behind the drums, I checked right to make sure Chips was to, thumbs up I check left to Dud he strums a few notes and gives thumbs up. I look off stage and the curtains open. A bright light floods the entire stage the crowd cheered getting my adrenaline pumping, my guitar get thrown toward me from off stage I grab it and start to play the intro, and I begin to sing genitally.

"You, of all people should know.

How I feel and how I rose,

But now you only watched me fall,

I fell off the cliffs,

Broken spirit as well,

I'm shattered into one billion pieces,

But how would you know?

You fell before me.

And now I know,

That I loved you,

So could you say?

Could you repeat?

Could you ever know why I jumped?

I'm no slime shady,

But one day I may be,

But I wish you could see,

The real me!

After that the night passes like a blur, I knew these words of by heart and my cords, I couldn't have asked for a better band and this was the big show, this place is being broadcast to ever country that has at least fifty percent of it's inhabitants speaks English. Wow I think it's a good thing I can daydream while playing a guitar and singing, the melody is sweet, the guitar playing perfect and the drums is adding lots of dramatic effect, this might be the best night of my life. Then I remembered Jasmine nothing is perfect without her, I sing on making it perfect we need this one, we need it for Addicted, my words oozing of addiction for the fans, they support rock and roll and metal and were the new front.

How we decided to come up with that name I don't know it was something randomly perfect for this situation, I finish the song.

"Right were here tonight, to show rock and roll, punk and metal can't die! More people love pop," My voice dripping with acid when I said pop. "Can you headbang to pop?" A chorus of no's was screamed out. "Can you mosh pit to pop?" Even more people shouted out. "But even more you can't and I mean can't rock out to pop, is that right?" Screams filled the air and I swear if I told them to rob a bank and give all the money to me they would do it, A screaming fan jumped on stage, she was going for the emo look and it was going well with the I-will-catch-you-and-tear-off-your-mask look. My friends laugh as they see me getting chased around the stage, even I was laughing it up but she was shrieking like a wild cat the laughs died when they figured she wouldn't stop until she had me, one time she got close to me and I smelled booze in her breath.

I stop dead in my tracks and I take the microphone off my jacket.

"Are you drunk?" I almost shout.

"Maybe." She giggled.

"Do you know I wouldn't be able to write any of my songs if I was drunk?" I whisper shout at her.

"Really... Maybe I should stop now." She said wiping away a tear.

"Here," I pass her a tissue and she dabs her eyes and walks off stage. Someone demanded what I said to her. "Ask her I just gave her advice... And not the you-don't-stop-now-I'll-get-security advice," I shouted puting back on my mic. Dud walks up to me and says we have to go. "Damn... Sorry guys that's our gig over but if you want us national you have to vote on our bebo page."

"Hey I swear I've heared you before.... Whats your name?" I fan shouted. Did I mention this was our first gig.

"My name is Wreck, Crash is drummer, Chips is backup lead and Dud is bass, so any points on where we can improve or something we all have different facebook pages. I say trying to change the subject.

"No as in whats your real names." Someone else shouted. We snicker as we promised never to tell anyone who we are.

"Now that's a secret." I tapped my nose and walked off with my band follow me.

"We were awesome!" Chips yelled.

"No, no... We blew the roof off!" Smash yelled louder than Chips like in a game of bananas.

"Well guys see you tomorrow at school cause I got to go." I say loudly for my voice to be heard over there laughter and I turn around, they all cleared their throats and I turn back around, all of them have their eyebrows raised.

"Play safe." They all chimed at the same time and we all double over laughing.

"Yeah, yeah whatever." I wave my had and head for Jasmine's house.

Now it's the best night of my life.

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