Addicted, Chapter 2

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Who are ya? Chapter 2.

I run into a ally way and take off my buff and put it in my bag, walks out of ally and in front of the entrance of Blue Moon where we preformed, people come out muttering why they didn't do a encore, I see the girl who came on stage clutching the now black tissue like it's a life line and her friends talking to her.

"He is like sooo tall!" She yelled. "Like that guy." She points at me, all her friends giggle. "Hey need someone for tonight?" She winks.

"Ha Wreck is right you are drunk." I say choosing my words carefully.

"How did you know that?" She said gazing at me. I quickly take out my backstage pass what I was going to put on my wall.

"I won a computation." I say even quicker and walk off towards Sea View Lane.

It takes about half a hour but I ran so it took fifteen minutes maybe seventeen.

"Hey!" Jasmine sequels and jumps me. She is about five foot six with jet black hair she recently dyed it used to be chocolate brown like her eyes, she has a few freckles she also has a petite frame but that doesn't stop her from launching like a missile at me.

"Hey!" I say just managing not to fall over.

"How did it go?" She asks.

"We blew the roof of the place, also a drunk screaming fan tried to rip my mask off." I say knowing she was watching it on T.V.

"What did you say to her?" She asks letting go of me.

"Just I wouldn't be able to write my songs drunk then she started crying and I passed her a tissue." I explain.

"Was she hot?" Jasmine asks tentatively.

"In the hot girlfriend way or the hot I'll-tear-off-your-face hot?" I joke.

"Ok I think I understand." She says leaning forward. Her being five foot six she has to look up because I'm about five foot nine I have to look down to. After that it's just a blur, I promised my mum and dad that I was going over to Jasmine's to study Italian so we practiced a bit and then watched a old James Bond movie, It was the first one when James Bond becomes 007. It was about three in the morning when I realised I had to go, I untangled myself from Jasmine and then put her lying on the sofa and turn everything off, puts a blanket on her then kisses her forehead.

"I'll see you at school tomorrow." I whisper and leave locking the door then posting the key through the letterbox. I start my fifteen minute walk home to Greene Lane, I unlock the door knowing I'll be grounded but we all had that.

"Do you know what time it is?" My dad asks, hes about six foot with greying brown hair and brown eyes what are usually warm and bright but now angry.

"Mi dispiace papà mi sono preso in apprendimento." I say in Italian what means in English. "Sorry dad I got caught up in learning." He nods believing me and I go to bed, thanking God Italian is like a first language to me, and it looks like I'm not grounded, I smile.

I walk past my sisters room and she now has a poster of Crash and Dud on her wall, thank God it's not me or I would tear it down. But there's a giant poster on her wall that has Addicted on it... Then it clicks who said they could make posters if us! I knock on my sisters door.

"Yeah?" My sister answers lazily. She is smaller than me about five foot seven with blond hair like me and she has light blue eyes.

"Where'd you get the Addicted posters?" I ask trying to keep the venom out my voice.

"Some guy at school called Stud is selling them, I didn't know you liked them." She said curiously.

"Cool! I have to get some, and there the best band out there Claire, seriously who doesn't like them." I say satisfying her curiously and I'm not going to buy them I'm going to make sure he doesn't sell another thanks to the Internet.

I go to my room, it has brown and yellow walls, but you can barley see them under the amount of bands covering them. I log onto MSN and find Dud is online, I type.

hi gary.

hi nath

do you no a guy called stud?

uh yeah i think so

great cause hes being selling posters of us and our band name


yeah lets get the fans on him!

yeah now thats revenge

While Gary or Dud (which one doesn't matter,) logs onto our facebook account I log onto our bebo one. The amount of people asking who we are is amazing, so I type "We are Addicted!" I refresh the page and even more come up saying, will you meet me Wreck? Or I want you bad Chips etc. I post a new comment saying.

If any of you guys are buying posters of us and the band name its not helping us! were getting no money to host a new gig so stop buying them!

I refresh, more say "OMG! ur goin to host another 1soon! or "guys we have to stop buyin them or Addicted wont be able to play anymore!"

Looks like they got the message, I look at friend requests and it shows 43808 want to be your friends, I fast track to accept all. I log off quickly and log onto my personal one, I only have 53 friends and barley any talk to me, I log off and onto Wreck's one. I edit my page saying what bands I like and make some quizzes just to see how many people find my page. I turned off my computer and went to get my clothes ready for school tomorrow. I wonder what all the gossip is going to be about now.

I go brush my teeth and get into my pj bottems, I don't wear shirts anymore while sleeping it's just uncomfurtable now.

I think back to Oblivious and how it went so wrong, personally I blame Tom, I look outside the window and it's full of stars and the moon is crescent., it just looks amazing. A song enters my head, I write it down as it comes.

Stars so bright,

Could you hear me tonight?

How can you look so nice?

When your up so high,

I can't find words,

To say you justice.

But must this end tonight,

With stars so bright!

Could you be cold like space,

But now your in my FACE!

Could you shut up?

Could you get lost?

Could you just leave me ALONE!

Stars so bright,

Why are you evil tonight,

Your my face,

How could you be evil tonight?

You scream in my face...

But I still hear your NAME!

Stars so bright,

Up so high,

Why are you evil tonight?

Cold, it doesn't describe how hard it is,

How evil it is,

It keeps us far away,

Between us is a lot of PAIN!

Stars so bright...

Can you hear me tonight?

I stop writing I'll finish this is class tomorrow, I put it in my bag and go to sleep.


Hope you like the song :D it's my new fav XD.

So comment, vote and fan please!

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