Chapter 4

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I had no idea what to do. I didn't want to make Saint any angrier than he already was, but he needed help. He needed to see a doctor and he needed someone to be with him. Not because he was weak or couldn't handle the pregnancy on his own, but because he deserved to be taken care of. He didn't have to do this on his own. But I didn't have any idea how to convince him of that.

I knew he didn't have food poisoning or the flu or anything like that. He was already starting to show. Pregnancies for omegas were a lot different than they had been for beta or omega females. When a female became pregnant—before the pandemic that caused all women on the planet to gradually become sterile —they had the standard nine months of steadily growing belly, hips, and breasts.

In omega males, the gestation period only lasted five months and everything happened very quickly. It was basically pregnancy on steroids. And after just two weeks I could already see Saint's belly popping out over the top of his suddenly too-tight jeans.

"What about your brother?" I asked as we headed out to the Parking lot.

"What about him?" Saint snapped.

There was that defensiveness again. He'd been like that for weeks. I'd been wanting to say something every minute of every day, but I could tell it would only make Saint angry. If only he would let me touch him, I knew I could make him feel better. I knew that my energy would calm him and make this all so much easier.

But I wasn't going to do anything without his permission. Not after what happened that night. Even though he was the one who came on to me, I could have stopped everything. I could have been a better person and told him we should wait. If I had—if I had just been able to control myself—he wouldn't be averting his eyes every time I looked at him.

So now there was no way I was going to force anything on him.

Even if he was carrying my baby. The only thing I could do was try to talk to him—show him that I cared what happened to him. That was all I could think to do to help Saint through this. That and hope that he would come to his senses and let me take care of him.

"Well, he's a doctor. Maybe he can tell you what's going on."

"I'm not going to see my brother."

"Why not? You need to see someone, Saint, and he's family. He can help you."

"Why? Why am I the one that needs to see someone? It's not fair."

I opened the car door and slid behind the wheel. "You're not even making sense, Saint. We both know why you need to see a doctor. So you can either pretend like you don't know what's going on, or you can act like an adult and go get yourself checked out. Because either way you choose to deal with this, we both know what's coming out of you in four months."

"Why do you keep saying that?" Saint mumbled as I backed out of the parking space. "It could be anything. What makes you so sure?"

"Well, for one thing, you smell very different to me."

Saint's entire body stiffened up and his hands clenched up into fists like the other day. "Like what? What do I smell like?" I smiled and chuckled a little. "Well, ever since you've been using that pheromone suppression body wash, or whatever the hell it is, you smell like one of those tree-shaped car deodorizers."

"Gee thanks," Saint said. "What did I smell like before that?"

His voice had softened a little and sounded curious. Almost like a little kid. It was a huge relief after all the gruffness and anger of the last weeks.

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