Chapter 14

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I took a couple weeks of paid leave after Paint was born so I could get everything set up for us at home. I'd spent so much time worrying about supporting Saint in his big change before the baby came, that I hadn't really focused on some of the things the two of us might need.

I mean, we turned the spare bedroom into a nursery. We had wallpaper put up that was covered with cute stuffed animals. We picked out a crib, and a bathing table, and all the other things we needed for our newborn. We bought baby clothes, blankets, bright toys, and squeaky animals. But there were still some things we needed that I knew would make life a little easier on both of us.

After we got home from the hospital, I got online ordering a few things that I was hoping Saint would be as excited about as I was. Things we could use for ourselves and for our new little guy.

"What came in the mail today?" Saint asked from where he sat on the living room couch. He had Paint wrapped up snugly in a beautiful blue blanket that his aunt and uncle had sent after he mailed out the birth announcements. They told him that they both wished they could've been there for the birth and that they were so proud of Saint. They also said that they were thrilled with the magnet he sent out.

It was the sweetest picture. One that we took in the hospital of the three of us. You could see Paint's big brown eyes and Saint's beautiful smile, and I just loved it. The magnets were Saint's idea.So we chose the picture and I had it made into one-hundred magnets that we sent out a couple days after Paint was born.

After mailing one to every single person on both of our contact lists, we still had more than half the box. But I was okay with plastering the small image of Saint and Paint everywhere I went. Every metal surface I could find had at least one of the magnets attached to it, and my locker at work was completely covered.

Ever since we sent out the announcements, relatives I didn't even know we had were sending their congratulations and a little something for Paint. So on top of the boxes we were getting from stores, gifts were also coming in every day as well.

"This is a high-powered blender. It's the top of the line, the best one you can buy," I said as I pulled it out of the box. "We can use it to make baby food. According to the reviews, it'll purée anything. Even avocado pits. It's incredibly powerful."

"Sounds fabulous," Saint said, barely glancing up for a couple seconds before he turned his attention back to the little bundle in his arms. "But we won't be feeding Paint baby food for months. And I highly doubt avocado pits are going to be on the menu."

We both laughed as I put the container in the dishwasher.

"Yeah, I guess I'm getting a little ahead of myself. But it will come in handy. There's a million things you can make with these blenders. Smoothies, soup, sauces, hummus..."

"It sounds like something for you, 'cause I'm not drinking any smoothies."

"Oh, come on. You like the ones I bring back from the mall."

"I'm pretty sure they put candy in those things, Perth. Nothing you've ever made at home comes even close to being as good as those bright pink and orange concoctions."

"Well, with one of these blenders I can make them taste just like those ones do," I said. "After I run this through the dishwasher I'll run out and get some frozen fruit and yogurt. Oh and that reminds me." I turned my attention to the second box and tore it open. "This must be ... yeah, it's the pressure cooker I ordered. It's really awesome. It also functions as a slow cooker

and a yogurt maker."

"That sounds great." Saint looked up at me again and smiled. "It sounds like you're the one doing the nesting now."

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