Chapter 6

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I couldn't stop the smile from spreading across my face. I'd been waiting for this moment for so long. I'd fantasized about it and dreamt about it, but I never let a single clue slip about how I was feeling. I had always been in control of everything—but above all, I was always in complete control of my emotions. And since I'd always had the feeling that Saint had absolutely no interest in me, I kept strict control over how much I let him see.

But that was all over now. Saint was right in front of me. He wasn't avoiding eye contact, he wasn't staring in the other direction out the car window, he wasn't blocking me with his arms crossed in front of him, and he wasn't halfway across the room, completely out of my grasp. Saint was right here in my hands, and his eyes were burning into mine. That ridiculous pheromone wash he'd been using had thankfully worn off when he started sweating back at the warehouse, and now that I was so close to him, his pure scent came through.

It was like a floodgate had been lifted and every cell in my body demanded him. His scent, and touch, and warmth, and energy. My caveman brain was screaming at me to take him as hard and fast as possible.

But the other part of my brain, the part that had been waiting for him ... for this very moment ... wanted to make it last forever. I wanted to take my time and touch every single inch of his body. I wanted to close my eyes and feel his essence inside me—and my tongue inside him. But not just yet.

I kept my eyes open for another moment—long enough to memorize each and every shade of brown in his. Then I let his scent, and the anticipation of my lips on his, continue to fill me.

"Is there something wrong?" Saint asked, still staring into my eyes with an intensity that had me hypnotized. "No," I said, breathing in, and taking the essence of him into me as deeply as possible. I was so very close to ripping his clothes right off his body, but this moment with his lips a fraction of an inch away from mine was heaven. "There's nothing wrong at all. Why?"

"Well, we've been standing here for almost five minutes and you still haven't kissed me." The most gorgeous smile spread across Saint's face and we both laughed out loud.

"There's no problem at all," I said, hovering a teeny bit closer to his lips. "I'm enjoying your scent ... and the anticipation."

"Well, the anticipation is about to kill me. So, if you don't mind kicking it into second gear ..."

"Hmmm. Getting a little antsy? This isn't fast enough for you? I gotta admit, Saint, I kind of like seeing you squirm. You may be a big, tough man out there, but right here and right now I'm the one that's in control," I said, my thumb running back and forth across his full, lower lip. "How do you feel about that?"

Saint didn't say anything for a moment, but I could feel his body melting in my grasp. I knew this had been hard for him, transitioning to an omega so suddenly, and I knew that this was what he needed. Someone to take control, someone to support him completely. He needed to let go of the grip he had on what he thought his life should be, and he needed someone to help him loosen that grip.

I was sure that, with my help, he was going to surprise himself. I could see what a great dad he would be—as well as an amazing partner and lover—and I wasn't going to let him hide from any of it.

"I think I'd like that," Saint said, his eyes growing a bit wider with his own realization.

"You'd like what?" I asked, gripping his hair and tugging it so that he let out a gasp.

"I'd like you to be in control," he said, his voice dropping to a whisper. "Please", he said, his eyes closed, "Please, kiss me, Perth."

A wave of warmth washed over me and inside me as I slowly lowered my lips to Saint's. And when they met, our energy immediately blended together—the sound of every cell in my body singing out filled my head and drowned out the world around us. It was the sound of the perfect union, of two halves of a whole that were meant for one another, finally finding their way back.

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