Chapter 12

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After I pulled up to the emergency room entrance and got out of the car, I grabbed a wheelchair, then grabbed Saint. I knew there was no way he was going to be able to get out of that low car seat on his own, so I picked him up.

"What the hell are you doing?" he said through gritted teeth. "Will you put me down, Perth?"

I set Saint down in the wheelchair, then kicked the car door shut. "I told you, I've got this. All you need to do from this point onward is push. I'll take care of everything else."

I didn't care if Saint was rolling his eyes at me. I didn't care if I was acting like a typical alpha. I was about to have a baby and there was nothing he or anyone else could do to stop me from doing thing my way from here on out.

"We're having a baby!" I yelled to no one in particular as I pushed Saint into the ER reception area. There were a number of people sitting and standing around and they all looked over at us and smiled. I couldn't believe how calm everyone was, but I figured maybe they hadn't heard me, so I yelled a little louder.

"We need to get him into a room! The baby is coming now!"

"Perth!" Saint said as he grabbed one of my hands. "They heard you."

"Then why aren't they doing anything? We need to get you into a room!"

"There are people in line in front of us. We can't just barge up to the beginning of the line."

"Oh, yes we can," I said as I wheeled Saint past some clearly less urgent cases. The nurse behind the counter took one look at Saint and smiled, waving the two of us to the front of the line. "It's okay, dear. We'll take care of everything. Now, what's your name?" she asked Saint as she typed something into her keyboard.

"We don't have time for that," I said. No one seemed to be taking this seriously. "We need to get him into a delivery room right now! I'm a police officer and this is an emergency!"

Both the nurse and Saint looked at me, and then they both started laughing.

"It's okay, Perth. The baby's not coming out this very second," Saint said, grabbing my hand again. "We have time."

"Just take a deep breath, Mr. ..." The nurse glanced back and forth between the two of us waiting for a name.

"He's Tanapon. I'm Suppapong," Saint said, and even though I knew it wasn't that important—especially with all the advances we'd made as a society—I kind of wished our names were the same.

"That's fine. We'll have your partner in a room in no time at all, Mr. Tanapon. Just let me get his information. Now, first name, Mr. Suppapong?"


"And how far apart have your contractions been, Mr. Suppapong?"

"They've been coming really fast, haven't they?" I asked, realizing that I hadn't actually been keeping track of the contractions at all. I had a feeling I'd forgotten something. "The last two were about ten minutes apart," Saint told her.

"Oh, I thought they were coming faster than that," I said with a sheepish grin. I looked down at Saint and couldn't believe how serene he looked. I honestly thought he was the one that would be freaking out today, and that I would be the one to keep him calm. Obviously, that wasn't what was happening.

"It looks like we're ready," the nurse said as she picked up the phone. "Let's go ahead and get you back there and on a monitor. I have a call out to your doctor, but since you're in a week before your due date we might need to have our on-call doctor perform your delivery. Is this going to be your first, Mr. Suppapong?"

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