Chapter 7

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When I woke up the next morning in Perth's arms, the sun was peeking through the blinds and I could hear birds singing outside. I felt like a total cliché, waking up feeling like my life was brand new after having had amazing sex the night before. But it was true. I'd never felt so good in my entire life.

But then when I thought about all the guys at working finding out—not about me and Perth, but about the fact that I was pregnant—I felt that anxiety building up in my stomach again. And when I thought about the crew finding out, and the idea of not being able to continue on the set after the baby was born ...

I just couldn't do it. No matter how much I knew it would hurt Perth, I didn't want anyone to find out. About the baby ... or about us. If only I could lay here in Perth's arms for the rest of my life, then all of my worries would be gone. But that wasn't even remotely possible, or what I really wanted, anyway. Because, in all of this, what I was most scared of was that this pregnancy, and being an omega, would take my identity away. I'd become a stay at- home dad and a homemaker, and I'd lose every ounce of respect from my co-workers and friends.

Everything I'd worked so hard for all my life would disappear the minute they found out I was an omega. I glanced down at Perth as I slipped out of bed. I didn't want to hurt him, but I couldn't stay. Not yet, anyway. I wrote him a quick note, and while he was still snoring and dead to the world, I left it on my pillow and slipped out of the house.

I walked down the street a bit, trying to decide what I should do. I knew Perth was right about me going to see my brother. I really did look up to him and wanted his advice, but I was terrified of him figuring out what was going on with me. But seeing him now would be better than later. If I waited much longer, I'd be showing too much to be able to blame it on one too many servings of chicken pot pie. So, I Ubered home to get cleaned up and change my clothes.

When I got in the shower I scrubbed my body with the pheromone-suppressant body wash twice. I knew being around alphas was tricky, and that eventually there'd be no way for me to disguise my scent, but I had to pray that I could pull it off for now. Especially since I was planning on going to see my brother, who was a full-blown alpha. I hoped I could fool him long enough to get some information.

I walked into the fertility and birth clinic where my brother was head physician. He'd thrilled our parents by graduating from medical school at the top of his class. He had his pick of prestigious hospitals to choose from when he finished his residency, but instead, he chose a birth clinic in this low-income part of town. Our parents would still brag about his accomplishments, even though they both asked him repeatedly when he would take a job at a real hospital.

But no matter what he did, our parents practically gushed about my brother. The fact that he was a doctor, an alpha, and was older than me all seemed to be things they couldn't stop using to compare the two of us. It made my high school years almost unbearable, having to live under his sterling reputation.

My plan all along had been to become a actor after high school. I thought maybe that would finally be something my parents could be proud of, that they would brag to their friends about me for once. But before I started at the acting academy, they both died in a car accident. So, they never saw me on screen or even in any series. I was sure if they saw me now, an omega with a baby on the way, they'd be more ashamed than ever.

Their big, tough son ... the omega.

I walked up to the reception desk and recognized Trent, one of the male omega nurses I'd seen many times before, but strangely I'd never paid as much attention to him as I did today. Now that I was changing ... or had already changed, actually ... I was suddenly more attuned to behavioral traits of the people around me.

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