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Well there you have it, my first completed story; Samantha.

Or is it?

Let's be honest as a reader you're bound to have some questions, criticism and some downright hatred for some of the developments that took place, and that's all perfectly fine.
I actually wanted this to be able to turn into a book with around 100.000 words are more, but as you can see I most likely missed the mark.
I read somewhere that an Author or aspiring author's biggest enemy is procrastination, and truer words have never been spoken.
Over the years (Yes, literally years) I've found myself drifting further and further away from my dream of being a writer.
It's not that I'm completely lazy, I'm actually also an aspiring Chess player, and that takes quite the amount of dedication and studying as well, so much so, that I decided to pursue things one at a time.
However, I now realize that at this rate, I'm never going to finish this story.
I started writing it for my girlfriend at the time, who's been my ex for quite a while now, making my motivation practically nonexistent at this point. But I still decided to release it, even if it's unfinished.
Because of you!
If there's anyone reading this and you enjoyed the story overall, or simply appreciated my writing style at least, that might be enough to get me going once more.

That's why, If you have any suggestions, any changes, any chapter title suggestions (You might have noticed, I stopped naming chapters halfway through, I'm such a disappointment, I know) comment everything !!!
If there's at least one person who's life I was able to touch with this story, that's more than enough.
If there's enough interest, I might even rework everything, and continue the story.
It's all up to you guys.

So goodbye for now, and hopefully I'll have a reason to return 👋🏾.

SamanthaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang