Mind Games

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Once outside I immediately regretted my actions and I could hear Christina sobbing on the other side of the wall that was separating us. I wanted to apologize. After all, my thoughts weren’t exactly directed towards her. And yet, a part of me kept telling me I was right. Just who did she think I was?

Pretend to be her boyfriend? Yeah, right. But another part of me also struck me as odd. Why did those words mean so much to me? Maybe it was because I didn’t feel like pretending . . .

I walked away without looking back and decided to leave it alone.

At least this way I could avoid ending up in another situation like before . . .

I told Erec and Justin about what happened and sure enough they both agreed with me.

“You made the right call,” Erec said. “One wrong move and you could have gotten yourself into more trouble than a girl like Christina’s worth.”

I thought about that for a moment. Was getting involved with Christina any further, inviting trouble into my life? Maybe that had become sort of my thing, back then. Getting in, way over my head, when it came to the girls I decided to spend my time with.

“I wouldn’t trust that chick,” Justin concurred. “She must think very highly of herself to request something like that.”

“So is it safe to assume you’re no longer interested in her?” I asked him then, curious to know his answer.

“Did I ever say I was?” He countered. “But if it was, let’s say a theoretical question, I think it’s safe to assume, that after her extravagant display of disdain towards me earlier, she can kiss me goodbye.”

“Poor Christina,” I replied in mock horror. “All the things you and her could have achieved together.”

I shook my head in exaggerated sadness. Justin smiled.

“I know right? Tell me about it.”

*   *   *

Over the next couple of days, Christina and I didn’t speak to one another. I saw her once or twice and each time we made eye contact she simply averted her eyes and promptly ignored me. I kept telling myself that it was all for the best. The thought offering me comfort from time to time.

I just wished that I could truly believe it . . .

I was completely prepared to never speak to Christina again.

But fate had other plans . . .

While walking past the school parking lot one day I saw Christina standing in a corner. Apparently in a heated argument with someone. I wanted to walk away, but I just couldn’t. I moved in closer to get a better view and saw the person she was arguing with. Her ex-boyfriend. Kyle Bryce, captain of the basketball team. I Figured as much. Only someone as popular as him would make the cut. He grabbed her wrist quite violently and she tried to shake him off without much success.

“Come on Christy. It’s been almost two weeks now. I know you and Zack aren’t seeing eachother so don’t even try lying to me again. Let’s give this, us, another try.”

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