𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐

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A lead soldier was assigned to each team of new enlistments to manage them through training and while the soldier in charge of their group, who happened to be unnecessarily good-looking, explained to San and Wooyoung's team how to properly organize their space, all attention was directed on him and his intimidating presence. He held an aura different from theirs. If all of their commanders looked like this, San didn't care what they made him do.

Once the soldier finished explaining, he left the room and gave them time to get everything put away. San sat on the edge of his space when he was finished just as they were ordered to do, sitting with his back straightened in perfect posture, joining Wooyoung who had finished before anyone else.

The soldier in charge re-entered the room and stood tall at the front. "You have fifty seconds to change! GO GO GO!" He screamed out in his deep voice and all of the boys sprung up, grabbing their uniforms as fast as they could. San was blind to all of the boys stripping around him as the soldier continued screaming at them in his threatening tone and counting down.

San had been right in thinking he wouldn't even have time to check anyone out. There were naked boys all around him but the only thing he could focus on were his trembling hands as he stripped down and replaced his clothes, including his underwear, with the new ones he was given. Nobody cared about where they were changing or who they were changing in front of with a soldier screaming at the top of his lungs at them.

San's eyes flickered over to Wooyoung pulling up his pants next to him and he caught a glimpse of writing scrawled across Wooyoung's thigh right below his underwear.

How many tattoos did he have?

"Four! Three! Two!--" The soldier walked around, counting down right in their ears and when the countdown ended he looked around.

Some boys were still dressing in their uniform and San could tell by the look on the soldier's face that he wouldn't let them off easy.


Wooyoung closed his eyes, uninterested, and waited for the noise to stop, and before he knew it, his hat got ripped off of his head and he felt a hit across the face with it, making San sit up straighter, feeling tense. Wooyoung never lost his posture and kept his head straight ahead as the soldier bent down and got in his face.

"I'll put you to sleep the next time you feel like closing your eyes!!" He then looked around at the rest of them. "Everyone at attention!!"

Wooyoung placed his hat back on his head and watched the soldier with a hard glare as he walked away. Next to him, San wore a smirk on his face, enjoying the cocky boy getting what he deserved. The military might just literally whip Wooyoung into shape.

Each boy received a box to pack all of their outside items into, meaning the clothes they wore, along with their wallets. They wouldn't need money or I.D in the military, at least during training. With the box, they were given a sheet of paper to write a letter to their family that would be packed inside with the rest of their belongings and a schedule detailing what time they would wake up, eat, shower, and sleep. All activities were done as a group.

"It's time to choose a team leader for your group. Who would like to volunteer?" The soldier asked loudly and San's hand shot up readily along with Wooyoung's and they gave each other a side-eye, still never breaking posture. San knew it was a job full of responsibility and wanted to show his family he could do well, especially his brother, but the boy sitting next to him didn't care what San's reasons were. He didn't want to take orders from anyone and had no doubts he was the most capable one of them in that room.

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