𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟑

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"Faster Wooyoung..." San breathed out as he lay outstretched on the flat next to the other, rolling onto his side, in a deep sleep early in the morning with minutes until they were due to begin their day.

Partially awake, Wooyoung rolled over at the sound of his name rolling off of San's tongue so breathlessly and, taken aback, watched him with a sour expression, one eye squinted open from sleepiness combined with the blinding rays of sun poking through the few tiny windows in their room.

"Ah, it stings...have to screw it faster stupid..."

Wooyoung was close to strangling the other for having what sounded (somewhat) like an erotic dream about him until San reached out, his hand making contact with Wooyoung's face, and proceeded to act out screwing on the filter on the gas masks for CBD training that they'd had to do a multitude of times the day before.

Smacking his hand away and giving him a slight push, the other rolling again onto his back, Wooyoung rolled so he faced the ceiling too and laid his hand over San's mouth to stop his babbling, the other complying until he awoke abruptly from his air supply being cut off.
San shook his head frantically before poking his tongue out onto Wooyoung's hand once he grasped what exactly his predicament was.

"You--" Wooyoung gritted his teeth as he wiped his hand on San's blanket, glowering, while San wore a shit-eating grin. "Nasty fuck-"

"Aw come on Wooyoung, don't be such a wuss," San mocked and looked away, but quickly looked back to add on, "-especially after trying to kill somebody," San said the last part accusingly, toying with him.

"Oh please."

"You suffocated me!"

"Well I did a shitty job of it didn't I." Wooyoung yanked the pillow out from under San's head, letting it roll off onto the hardwood, then smashed the pillow back down onto his face, the other immediately shooting up to go after Wooyoung's pillow.

But he wasn't fast enough.

Taking hold of his pillow before San could, Wooyoung blocked him with it, smooshing it against San's face looming over him.

Their playtime was interrupted by Taehyung's loud megaphone, the two flying apart and springing up to change into their running shoes and morning workout uniforms, slapping a cap over their bedhead, before they met an early death.

Once they were through with their morning routine of stretching out on the field and jogging a mile in formation, San took a roll call of his team and reported back to Taehyung before he and his team filed into the eating hall for breakfast.

"What if we have to do gas training again today?" Seonghwa shoved an egg roll into his mouth, extra moody, the moodiness spurring from the dread of another possible day in the container.

"I feel like I went through a whole night of being in there, fighting off Jongho's gas last night," Yeonjun said giggling, the rest of their table joining in with lifeless laughs that took more effort than they possessed at the moment after their morning run.

"Bro, you're forreal gonna do me like that, I know I'm not the only one! I swear to god it was the bean soup or whatever it was they gave us yesterday."

"It was, I had to sprint to the bathroom in the middle of the night, almost shit my fucking pants," Soobin chimed in, dead serious, with his mouth full of kimchi.

"The food here always goes straight through me," Hongjoong agreed, passing over some of his kimchi onto Hwa's tray to help cure the frown he'd woken up with that morning.

"It's probably to keep us light so we can move faster or something," San joked and took a large gulp of milk, savoring it since they were only able to get it at breakfast, the rest of the day only having the choice of lukewarm water.

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