Chapter Fifteen

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Part of me wanted to fight him, but after having fought him for what seemed like an eternity I felt drained. I put more space between us on the bed, which didn't go unnoticed as he tried to mask a pained look.

"Explain yourself" I said in a eerily calm voice.

"She died" He said with an emotion I couldn't place my finger on. I waited for him to expand but after a few moments of silence I spoke again.

"How?" I asked and he clenched his fists sitting up and leaning against the headboard, I pulled the sheets up a bit more covering myself the best that I could.

"It doesn't matter how Athena, she's gone and I didn't think I would ever..." He trailed off and I nodded.

"Do you still love her?" I asked and there was moment of silence, and in his hesitation I had my answer.

"I loved her, but I'm not in love with her anymore if that makes sense. She's a part of my past, one that I probably wont ever forget but believe me when I say I care about you so fucking much" He said desperately but I shook my head.

"How is this even possible?" I asked while scanning the ground looking for my scattered clothes.

Deem pulled me back gently by my arm, making me face him as he continued to speak.

"All I know is that I don't deserve you Athena" He said honestly looking torn apart with need to be with me but the heavy burden of knowing I deserved better.

"Does anyone else know?" I questioned and he quickly shook his head.

"Your father, he would burn me for an eternity if he knew" He said and I hate to admit it but I wouldn't doubt it.

"I'm sure he can be civil, we need answers Demetrius this doesn't make sense" I said frustrated. Every book I had read in the library had clearly stated you only have one soul mate, it didn't matter if you were to tragically loose them or not but you didn't get another chance. I put my undergarments back on by the time Deem was standing in front of me once again.

"Athena he wont understand, trust me" He said frantically stopping me as I bent down to grab my top off the ground.

"Why are you so nervous?" I asked accusingly.

"I-It's nothing, I just don't want to cause more problems in your life" He said turning away and getting dressed. I didn't believe him but his answer would have to suffice for now as I had other things to tend to. I needed answers and I could ask others around the castle but I wouldn't be sure about their input, as stupid as it sounds, Satan would be the only one who's answers I could trust.


I walked into the throne room without having the guard's announce my arrival taking the demons inside at surprise at first.

"Where's my father?" I demanded.

"You call and I answer my Princess" A voice boomed amused as he walked out from a dark corner in the room.

"I need a word" I said seriously and his expression faltered at first but he quickly regained his posture as he demanded the others to leave the room at once. He made his way up to his throne sitting with an aura of power as he beckoned me to come closer.

"I need to know everything you know about Mates" I stated and an uncomfortable expression adorned his face.

"This just adds to the list of why I wish you mother was still around" He said awkwardly and I rolled my eyes.

"Well, I'm guessing you know the basics already" He asked clearing his throat and I nodded. "Then what's the question?" He asked.

"Is it possible to have more than one?" I questioned.

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