Chapter Eighteen

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The soft black silk felt rough as it covered my scarred skin. It flowed down my body, not leaving a single exposed area, the collared neck and sleeves something I was thankful of today. But I still felt bare. I felt disgusting and dirty, constantly itching away at my discomfort. Even several hours in the scorching hot shower, clawing away at my skin until I was the color of anger, wasn't able to rid me of this feeling.

He destroyed me.

I was tired. I didn't want to do this anymore; I didn't want any of this. But I had nothing; this was my family and my only home. I pulled back my hair slowly and gently placing it into a loose bun, a few curls of my hair falling out to frame my face. I tried not to wince while stretching my arms back to place the rubber band on but failed drawing Rogo's attention.

"Here" He whispered taking the band from me and finishing the job.

He gave me small smile as I stared into the mirror. "You really don't have to do this Athena, you can wait," He repeated for the umpteenth time.

Once more I offered him a small smile, the stretch of my lips feeling foreign to me. He cared too much about me, he was the only person that did. But he knew I wasn't going to back out of this, I was going to take my crown and wasn't going to let anything get in the way.

"Thank you" I whispered taking his face into my hands, he rubbed his stubble playfully against the palm of my hand returning the smile.


The walk down to the throne room was different. The small pang of guilt I would always feel while hearing the echoes of the tortured screams outside was non-existent. They did this to themselves why should I feel bad?

The demons all bowed as I passed but I didn't even spare a glance, let alone the smile I would usually present. I saw the children playing at the end of the hall, and I was jealous. I envied their carelessness and innocence, both things that were ripped away from me.

"Any news of Demetrius" I asked Rogo as he walked by my side.

He sighed shaking his head. "We tried to contact him but we can't reach him". I nodded in response.

"Send someone to bring him back, this isn't a request"


They teach you how to deal with the pain. Though my entire life I was subjected to it, not once did I let it taint my home, my body. The pain I feel isn't just physical, and is not just mentally draining. It's as if something was slowly extracting each breathe out of my body, the next even harder to draw. It's being so damn full of emotions but not able to express half of one. The only proof that I was alive was the heart beating hard against my chest, begging to be let out. They taught me how to deal with the pain, but not the damage that is left after.

I was in a room full of people, all of whom would argue they've dealt with worse. But their pain was dying and paying for their sins.

My pain is living.

My father refused to make eye contact with me as he stood to my left. His cold stare remained on the man to my right. But Rogo who had been given his new title, kept his eyes trained on the doors that had opened moments ago, revealing the man that abandoned me.

Demetrius stood tall, reminding me of first time I saw him. He was dressed in black from head to toe and his eyes were the angriest I had ever seen on him. He wasn't looking at me; he was burning his stare right through my soul. The guard stood behind him looked towards me and I nodded for him to release him, which he did quickly.

The demons were waiting for me to break down. It was as obvious as the hatred that my mate had for me.

I stood tall, not once breaking eye contact with Demetrius as my father continued his speech. None of his words were registering, I was only reading my mate's face as his anger slowly dissolved into confusion and hurt, then quickly back to anger. But this rage wasn't directed towards me.

A fight had broken out and chaos was at midst but I remained as I was. Demetrius was making his way towards me when he slowly became smaller. Two guards were dragging him out of the room as he fought screaming and shaking in anger.

I could feel the joy radiating from my father, he let out a deep breathe raising his arms above my head and placing the weight of a thousand sins on my head.

"I present to you, Queen Athena" 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2016 ⏰

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