Chapter Thirteen

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He was the puppet master and we were all his slaves. No matter how many times I was being told otherwise it was a simple concept to grasp. I was here to live and to die bearing the sins of my father, while trying to understand the pain of a mother I never even got the chance to know. I was an outsider in my own being; I could never fully understand this perspective I had come to know about life.

My father was Satan, a cruel and ruthless man. He was a trickster, one that I could never allow myself to trust. I was told he was one with a temper, that much was a given from the beginning. No one ever thought of Satan as sane, but I was told through whispers amongst the demons here that he never loses his temper unless it was something serious; he was a dangerous man with many open wounds. But unlike the rest of the tortured souls here, he had power. That was the only fact keeping everyone in check here.

I know how much he had at stake by giving me any sort of presidency in Hell and I also knew that by being the blood half of the devil and half an angel I was not only rare, but also indestructible.

Some days I wish I had never come to know this life, one where I witness the suffering of those denied a place in the clouds. The screams and cries of their withering souls echo through my mind every time I close my eyes, but I know that this is my life now, and no matter how much I wish to be freed, I was just as trapped as the ones burning outside the gates. I was a prisoner in my role, in my mind and I only know a quarter of this life.

Life doesn’t seem to define anything anymore, it was the opposite of this place I guess, but death didn’t even touch the pain this place held. But I had a plan, for myself and for how I would execute my role in Hell.

In the end, I would be free.

I had to.

"The only reason I'm questioning this is because we have far better suited people here that can help you, why would you want a bodyguard to train you logistically?" Satan questioned running a hand stressfully through his dark hair that was laced with traces of grey and white strands.

"I feel comfortable around him, that's why" I state stubbornly for the umpteenth time.

I had been sitting in his office for a good hour and a half now trying to work with him but he was driving me insane. I had requested to learn the responsibilities and etiquette from Rogo rather than the people he had chose for me who he claimed would be better at helping me.

"If this was a matter of being comfortable would you choose Drakius?" He asked confused with a hint of judgement.

"Demetrius" I corrected with a frown on my face.

"Look I'm doing more than enough for you right now so let me have this one request" I said standing up angrily.

He was quiet for some time as if he was running the possibilities through his head. He knew once I made up my mind there was nothing less I would settle for, a trait obtained from him.

"Fine" He said raising his hand signaling he wasn't done yet. "But he's going to have to resign as your guard, we need you up to speed as soon as possible".

"Send him in" He said and I smiled turning around and walking towards the door.


The look on Rogos face when I told him my father wanted to speak to him made me feel guilty for having laughed so hard. I didn’t want to tell him why he was going in the fear he might turn me down, there wasn’t any way he could say no to my father though. 

Shaking my head in amusement I walked down the long hallway thinking of ways I could use having one less bodyguard to my advantage, and of course I couldn’t think of even one. I don't really even know why I have bodyguards, it's not like I’m going to try to escape and even if I would attempt I really have no idea how you would run away from Hell. 

"Hey" A deep voice sounded through the halls and I didn't need to look up to know who it was. 

"Hey" I replied back keeping back any emotion from my voice. 

"Where did Rogo go?" Demetruis asked concerned. 

"Why don’t you go find out" I said flatly walking past him, I could hear him take a deep breath before catching up to me again. We walked in silence for a few moments before he attempted to make small talk with me again.

"Athena" He hissed, "I need to talk to you" 

"Not about what you're thinking" He said with a distant look in his eyes which fuelled my curiosity even more.

"I don't have anything to say" I replied and he shook his head walking closer but before he could continue I heard my fathers voice echo through the hall in a thunderous power.

His temper never once made me flinch but seeing him leave his chamber with blood lust in his eyes wasn’t reassuring either.

“You need my help Athena, whether you like it or not” Demetruis mumbled before standing straighter.

“Athena” My father whispered making his way towards me.

“What’s wrong?” I ask concerned, as I knew he was just with Rogo. I look behind him in hopes that he would be coming out behind him in one piece.

“The boy left five minutes ago, alive” He said with a look of annoyance before continuing.

“I need to speak to you”

“Did he do something wrong?” I asked.

“This isn’t about the boy Athena” He hissed and I let out a deep breath in relief.

“It's about your mothers necklace” He said making my breath hitch before he was walking confidently down the hallway as I followed behind, the worry in Demetruis’ eyes played through my mind as I walked back into the grey stone room behind my father once again. 

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