Chapter Eight

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Day 1,

Sitting in an empty room, I can’t help but feel empty too. I didn’t know if there was a way out, all I remember is the flash of guilt in his eyes as he carried my limp body into here. The peeling dark grey walls had been haunting for me hours, keeping me hostage; the aging wooden table in the corner of the room mocked me as I leaned my head back against the cold wall. I didn’t know if there was a way out, but I had to find it.

Day 2,

My eyes felt heavier and the need to keep them open was slowly fading just as the walls around me were. I had to fight it, I couldn’t let myself fall asleep, and I needed to find a way out. I cursed myself for having trusted him, but that wasn’t my priority. I needed to get out of here, and I would do anything to do just that.

Day 3,

I don’t remember how long it’s been, I lost count after the third hour. Petty I know, but counting every single second of every damn minute can only last so long before I completely lose my mind. I could hear every echo of the wretched place in this room, every time a chair moved or something fell but oddly enough I never heard a footstep. I don’t know which was more dangerous, being held here or being trapped in the dark eerie thoughts of my mind.

A loud creaking noise pulled me out of my uncomfortable sleep. I squinted as a bright light shone down on me. I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out, my throat was screaming for some cold water and my stomach begging for any source of food.

“Princess, you’re awake?” I hear, but before I could respond my vision faded and the last thing I saw were the bare bruised feet making their way closer to me.


“How long was she awake for!?” I heard a deep voice ask angrily.

“I’m not sure sir, but from the looks of it I think she may have regained consciousness on the first day” A timid voice replied.

“The mark takes at least 4 days to heal, she couldn’t have been awake through that, it’s impossible” The deep voice replied sounding astonished.

“Is there anything I can bring for her sir” The smaller voice replied.

“No, but let Master know what you’ve told me” The deep voice said. “She’s a lot stronger than we had thought” He added.

I fought to open my eyes, but they felt too heavy. A warm hand caressed my cheek making the urge to open them even stronger.

“I’m sorry” He whispered leaving a lasting kiss on my forehead, and I finally manage to open my eyes. I remembered the men taking me and Deem handing me to them, the words that were exchanged still echoed in my head.

“Athena” Deem whispers, his chocolate brown eyes gazing back at me as my eyes tried to adjust to the light in the room.

I was laid on a bed covered in red silk bed sheets that flowed softly, draping along the marble floor.  I got up wincing when I put my weight on my left arm. I rolled the sleeves on my dirt ridden black sweater to reveal the source of my pain. A large black tattoo like design running along my arm starting from my wrist up until my shoulder.(Picture at the side)

“What the-”

“It’s the devils mark” Deem replied to my unspoken question, I had almost forgotten he was seated next to my bed.

“What?” I asked. “Where am I? What the hell is happening” I demanded, my body moving away from his subconsciously.

He masked the hurt in his eyes as he noticed the fear in mine.

“Get away from me!” I demanded and he sighed.


“What do they want from me?” I asked not looking at him.

“I don’t know” He whispered. “Please, look at me” He pleaded and I felt the anger rising in me.

“You knew this was going to happen!?” I exclaimed.

"I didnt know! I dont know-" He stumbled frantically on his words.

But one question was burning in the back of mind.

“Where are we?” I asked hesitantly but he stumbled on his words again trying to come up with a place to start.

"Just start from the beginning then" I said sounding defeated as he hesitantly took a seat next  to me. 

"I was kidnapped years ago by this heartless man and I-Ive been here ever since" He said biting on his lip before continuing, "My job was to go up and bring back Athena Hales, or else he'd kill me"

"So it was my life over yours huh?" I asked bitterly and he shot his head up instantly, a look of confusion and hurt laced in his eyes.

"I didn't have a choice" He whispered looking at me frantically. 

And as much as I wanted to blame him for everything that had happened I knew he was just as helpless as I was. And if I wanted to survive I'd need answers from him.

"Why am I here?" I asked in a voice so quiet I'd put mice to shame.

"I don't know, but I promise I wont let anything happen to you" He said as his knuckles softy caressed my cheek. 

"W-What are you?" I asked closing my eyes as I tried to escape the haunting images of his ink black soulless eyes from earlier.

"Promise you wont freak out?" He asked and then sighed as he got no response.

"I'm what you'd call a Demon" He stated looking away from me as he spoke.

I didn't want to believe him, I wanted to laugh in his face and ask for this sick joke to be over with already, but the events from earlier today made me a bit more open minded then I chose to be. 

"Demon, as in..." 

"As in, I work for the one and only Devil, Satan himself" He hissed. 

"Contrary to popular belief Hell is very real, and we're in it baby" He continued

"I'm scared" I whispered and he sighed moving even closer to me.

"I'm here" He whispered back resting his forehead against mine. His lips delicately brushed mine as he spoke.

"I'll always protect you" 

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