Chapter Twelve

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It took a while to accept and try to get the hang of things around this place, but I was definitely making progress. I decided against being childish and throwing a fit about the life that was being thrown at me but I did have a certain motivator on mind. I didn't want to be the Queen of a place that I barely believed was even real, and I certainly didn't want to leave my old life behind. But thinking back, I didn't have much there to begin with. No family, no real friends, but I did have my job and other responsibilities to tend to. 

“What are you doing up here?” A deep voice asked and I groaned knowing my hideout was found. 

It wasn't really a place that was hard to discover, but it was away from all the madness inside the castle and more so inside my head. I had the pleasure of a balcony that allowed me to climb up top the convenient flat rooftop, but now I knew they would somehow assign guards to stand on my balcony or even up here with me. 

“I could ask the same” I said feeling around my leg for a rock I could throw at his stupidly attractive head.

“It’s time for dinner Princess” Demetrius said suppressing a smirk at my clearly displeased expression. 

“I’m not hungry” I countered and he raised an eyebrow at me as if he were testing my patience. I glared openly at him and he sighed.

“What are you doing?” He asked. 

“Brainstorming ways I can kill you legally” I replied nonchalantly and he looked amused.

“Theres no legal way to murder” He stated.

“There is if you don't get caught” I countered and he let out a chuckle staring at me with the same look of longing I had seen the day I went to see my father last week. 

“What?” I asked in a small voice.

“I miss you Ena” He said again and I could feel his words pulling at my heart but I was doing what was best.

“You made your choice” I repeated and he shook his head.

“I made a mistake” He roared and I tore my eyes away from him and focused on my hand that were sitting in my lap. 

“I will spend every day of my life proving how sorry I am if thats what it will take” He pleaded. 

“You’ll be wasting your time” I said showing no emotion.

“Then so be it” He sternly replied and I sighed getting ready to to hop off the edge of the roof onto the balcony. He quickly reached forward to grab my hips and help me off but shoved his hands away climbing off on my own. 

“I love you Athena” He whispered moving closer to me until I could feel his warm breath on my cheek. 

“And I’m protecting myself Demetrius” I said placing my hand on his chest and gently pushing him away from me, making my way back into my room. 


After fighting with my thoughts for quite a while I had fallen asleep in the uncomfortable position I was in, leaning with my body half way up against the headboard. I stared at my watch realizing I had only been out for about forty minutes so I decided to head downstairs while the food was hopefully still warm. 

I throw on a sweater overtop of my t-shirt and make my way over to the window to have a look outside, it was starting to get colder now so I was anticipating the snow. I was wary at first about how things worked underground, but apparently it was quite the same as on Earth. 

This is what I love about Winter. You wake up in the middle of the night, maybe just to pee or get water or something and look out the window and see that the street and cars are covered in a fresh untouched layer of snow. It’s so beautiful. And it’s silent; you have no idea that it’s happening until you just look. It almost seems surreal, as if this kind of delicate beauty isn't worthy of this world. And it makes your bed seem way more comfortable, for whatever reason.

Sighing contently I buried my hands deep into the pockets of my hoodie and opened the door to be thankfully greeted by Rogo. 

“Hey” I said a bit overjoyed that it was him rather than the ladder, throwing him off guard for a second.

“Princess” He said firmly, giving half a nod.

We began the walk down the long hallway and I started to throw some questions at him.

“When do you eat?” 

“I-uh…when you've returned to your room after dinner, another guard takes my place and I eat” He said nervously.

“And how long is your shift?” I asked, trying to make small talk as I wanted him to start feeling more comfortable around me. It was hard enough adjusting to this place but I having no friends made it unbearable. 

“From midday my Princess” He replied a bit more confident.

“Are you and Deem-etruis” I correct myself “The only guards for me?” I finish hoping he didn't catch my slip up. 

As far as everyone here knew, Demeturis and I were not romantically involved, heck they didn't even have the guts to ask if we were friends. I don't know whether it was because he scared the damn shit right out of them or because the news of me becoming Queen was quickly spreading.

“Wait are you planning on escaping?!” He exclaimed halting. 

I opened my mouth to reply but the realization that he didn't end his reply by calling me “princess” set in first. 

“No, if that was my plan I’d be long gone by now” I said smugly and he shook his head in disbelief.

“If I get into shit for that, you're going down princess” He said smirking jokingly.

And for the first time in a long while, I genuinely smiled. 

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