Chapter Fourteen

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My mothers necklace wasn't just any ordinary piece of work to be adorned across a soft chest, it was far from that. It's hard to explain when the entire story isn't there to be seen. A long time ago when my father had finally won over my mothers heart and eventually decided to become one there was an uprising, a war some would say but before that had come to be there was a calm before the storm.

My father never made a mistake falling in love with her, he knew from the moment he had laid eyes on her that she would be his for all of eternity, something only heard of in the legends of moon slaves. Werewolves were and always have been known to have something called a soul mate, and when they are to come across them, they crave no other than their mate. Something very similar is what happens in our lives here, the demons are all born vicious and ruthless but also have a longing deep within them to find their other half. As cliché as it sounds, it isn't all a fairy-tale. Long ago for many years when these demons would have these odd feelings within them they would torture rather than treasure their mates, they weren't familiar with the reason behind why they craved this other being so they acted in violence as they were brought up in such an environment.

For decades the demons would hunt for the person that made them feel this way and destroy them in every way possible. The end result being an empty and draining feeling inside them that eventually killed them as well. As the years went by and knowledge became a factor they realized that this other half was something they needed to live. My father had ruled for hundreds of years before he met his mate, he had lost all hope of ever finding one so it came as a surprise when he found my mother wandering the streets during one of his raids. He didn't choose to fall for her but it was fate that he did and he bravely faced all the consequences when her background collided with his.

Their love brought together darkness and light, which was a power of its own but to be able to harbour a gift that no other could is what brings me to the current situation. Anyone of great power has a blessing placed upon them when they meet their mate, and there are only three gifts that have ever been seen, two have the ability to tell good souls from the evil and one has the power to read humans minds. The last gift was given to my mother when her and my father had tied the knot; she has the power to resurrect any person that had passed away, with the exception of needing an equally important life to exchange. In other words you give a life to bring back a life. This was a very dangerous gift, and once word had spread it brought anger and greed amongst many and my mothers life was in even more danger than before.

When she fled, word has it that she destroyed the gift but my father had told me she stored in away in a necklace, one that he guarded. He had a very powerful witch place a spell upon it that altered its appearance so even if someone were to find the place it was hidden they wouldn't be able to recognize it. I had asked why he hadn't used it to bring my mother back, but he had informed me it could only be used on non-magical beings, those who were only human.

"-was taken, the place is destroyed and the witch has been killed" My father said breathing heavily and pacing the floor.

"But how?" I questioned, no one besides the witch and my father knew where it resided and the witch had been killed so there weren't any answers to be found there.

"When the witch who cast the spell dies, the effects of all her spells are undone" He explained.

"But someone had to know which one cast the spell then" I said with furrowed eyebrows and my fathers jaw clenched and unclenched in rage.

"No one knew!" He exclaimed "No one but me" He continued.

I took a deep breath trying to collect my thoughts and then looked towards the window before continuing.

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