Chapter One

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Angel of Hell

Copyright © 2014 by Creative Kaur

All rights reserved.

Sitting in an empty room, I can't help but feel empty too. I didn't know if there was a way out, all I remember is the flash of guilt in his eyes as he carried my drugged body into here. The peeling dark grey walls had been haunting for me hours, keeping me hostage; the aging wooden table in the corner of the room mocked me as I leaned my head back against the cold wall. I didn't know if there was a way out, but I had to find it.


"Ena your usual is here!" Fabia says smiling then walking over to take an order from a couple who seemed to be in the midst of a heated argument. Pushing the image of the fighting couple out of my head, I quickly grabbed the fresh coffee pot out the machine and made my over to my customer.

"Ah! There you are Athena" Albert says smiling and putting down his newspaper, making sure to fold the page where he left off.

"How are you doing today, Granddad?" I asked smiling genuinely. He was just over 60 and I've known him for the past year. Having no one in my life to depend on wasn't easy but he made it survivable. Albert felt like family and I began to call him Granddad out of respect, he had insisted and I sure as hell didn't mind. He was someone who could lift my mood up by just smiling and was here every morning only drinking coffee served from my hands.

Everyday he'd ask the same questions yet somehow I always looked forward to it.

"I'm doing well dear, and it's quite beautiful out today isn't it?" He asked looking out the window at the shining city. The sun was bright and the skies were clear, and let me tell you, that is not typical weather for Vancouver.

"Yes it is, have you been out for your walk yet?" I asked knowing that the doctor had directed him so.

"Yeah, yeah" He mumbled looking down.

"And have you taken your pills yet?" I asked dauntingly.

"I don't need these pesky little things to keep me going, I was once a marine you know, if I could survive being shot in the leg with no anesthetic's as they stitched me back up, I sure as hell don't need those." He huffed childishly, repeating the story he would bring up at-least twice a day.

"Granddad!"I exclaimed filling up his cup with the coffee I had almost forgotten about then retreating to the kitchen and grabbing the bottle of spare prescription pills I kept in case he stubbornly didn't take his, which happened far too many times.

"But I don't want to" He exclaimed childishly.

"Albert James Graham you will take this right now!" I said putting my hands on my hips to emphasize my seriousness. He hesitantly took the pills and swallowed them down with the water I had gotten him.

"Good" I said and clasped my hands together energetically.

"Yeah yeah, don't patronize me child, I only take these darn things so I can actually walk when I guide your clumsy self down the aisle" He said making my cheeks heat up instantly.

"Granddad" I grumbled and he chuckled.

"Oh come on, you can't be seriously telling me a lad still hasn't swept you off your feet yet" He said astonished though he asks me this every day and receives the same answer.

"I'm only nineteen, don't go planning a wedding so soon" I taunted.

"Keep in mind that I'm only getting older darling" He retorts. I chuckle saying goodbye and walking back to the kitchen. But being the truly clumsy person I am, I bump right into a hard chest spilling coffee all over him and myself.

"Oh god! I'm so sorry!!" I exclaimed looking up and as if I wasn't horrified enough, I think seeing his face did it for me.

I stood there speechless once again as his eyes shot daggers through me.

"I-I didn't mean-"I stuttered. "I'm sorry" I sighed looking down finding it difficult to breathe.

He raised his hand and I flinched back but saw him moving his hair out of his face.

"I'm wasn't going to hurt you" He said offended.

"I... I can give you a shirt if you want" I said stumbling on my words once again.

"I don't think you're my size, princess" He said smirking slightly but his eyes held onto the anger from before. I froze up and stood there gaping at him for a moment.

He was here three times a week, ordering a black coffee and would sit in a booth on his own for two exact hours. Not once had he come in with anyone or even attempted to keep a conversation going if he was approached. But what irked me was the fact that he never brought anything with him, like a magazine, newspaper or even a book. He would always look so consumed with his own thoughts. Often leaving me wishing I could take a peek into his head, just a little gaze into the life of this odd man.

I realize I was blatantly staring at him when he raises his eyebrows up looking amused. My cheeks flush and curse in my head for making myself look so flustered in front of him.

He only found this amusing as he smirked and walked closer to me avoiding the stares of a few customers who were averting their gazes from us to their orders and then back up.

"Something wrong, princess?" His deep voice asks tauntingly his warm breath touching my flaming cheeks.

"N-no" I stuttered at the close proximity of us.

Before he could say anything I noticed a scar leading from the side of his jaw to his left ear, my hand having a mind of its own reached up and traced it.

"What happened?" I asked with furrowed eyebrows.

His smirk faltered as he gave me an intense look, his eyes turned a shade darker, and he simply took a step back from me and walked off without looking back.

The rest of the day dragged by as thoughts of the dark haired devil danced through my head. I couldn't help but wonder who he was and why he was so damn angry, and how he got that scar that was adorned on his perfectly smooth tanned skin.

There was no denying that he was handsome. His sleek black hair, strong jaw and deep brown eyes drew me to him. But there was something about him that could make you uneasy if you looked at him too long. His piercing stare could be dark and cold his face constantly adorned with a self assured grin. There was something under the surface, something dark and powerful; something to be afraid of.

I signed out in the back and hung my apron up quickly wanting nothing more than to just sleep in my cozy bed. But during the duration of my walk home I couldn't help but notice the feeling in the pit of my stomach. I've had it since I bumped into him in the shop, and it wasn't pleasant at all.

It felt eerie and one thing I was sure of was that I had to stay away from him, but a part of me knew that I would see him again, and soon.

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