Chapter Eleven

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I made my way over to the tall chairs made of stone that were waiting for me to sit uncomfortably on. The office, I guess is what you’d call it, what definitely grand, there seemed to be no necessity missing, from the weird statues, fountains and more portraits like those hung in the hallways, the only thing missing was a throne. 

I laughed in my head at the thought of this man sitting in a throne, he belonged in a god damn sewer for abandoning me all these years.

“I’m assuming you have many questions for me” He stated while his hand gestured for me to take a seat. 

“This is hell” I state as a confirmation and he nods trying to suppress his smirk. 

I thought long and hard about all the undying questions I had burning through my mind for past few days, and I had decided I only needed one answer from him, and I intended on getting it without having to exchange any pleasantries or beating around the bush.

“Why am I here?” I asked boldly and he seemed a bit thrown off guard from my forwardness at first but quickly recovered. 

“And I don't want a bullshit answer, be honest with me” I said, my stone hard expression never fading.

“I cant do this anymore” He said truthfully. “All of this is too much for your old man” He said throwing his arms around in defeat.

“I lost your mother, and I never got to grieve” He said but I caught his bullshit a mile away.

“The devil doesn't grieve from what I’ve heard, and I don't believe a word your saying as you didn't give two shits when you left me to rot” I spitting out the words laced with venom.

“I searched for you! I spent all these years in agony trying to find you and your mother!” He roared. “And I will not have you speak to me in that tone” He added viciously. 

“YOU GAVE UP ON ME AS SOON AS YOU FOUND OUT THAT MOM WAS DEAD!” I screamed standing up as my blood began to boil.

"You blamed me for her death and watched as I suffered down there!” I hissed, shocking him.

“I don't know who fed you these lies bu-“ 

“Oh shut up!” I said menacingly. “I can see right through you, you pathetic arse” 

“ATHENA!” He roared as a warning, his voice booming along the grey stone walls.

“I was being tortured down there and you just watched” I whispered defeated and I noticed his fists clenching and unclenching as he tried to calm himself down.

“Just stop denying it, please” I begged.

I heard many stories, some seeming to be the truth and others just rumours in the short time that I had been here. But the cold hard fact that he had found me and left me there to suffer under the account that he lost his wife because of me, was enough to have me throwing this fit. I spent my entire life believing he was dead, but he had left me by choice. 

And it was my choice now, to hate him for what he had done.

“Yes I was angry when I found out that she was no more, all because she decided to protect you!” He hissed. “She left me to protect such an ungrateful child” He added with pure hatred.

“But I could never hate you Athena, you are all I have left, of her and of myself” He said running his right hand stressfully through his jet black hair. 

“I know you believe that I did this out of spite, but thats not the truth” He said pleadingly. 

“A part of me died the day she left, but it was as if all of me had perished when news that my love was gone had finally settled within me. I loved her Athena, and that was my mistake. In a world like this, emotions are what make you weak, and the things you love the most in the world are what destroy you in the end” He said solemnly. 

“I was always ruthless none the less, but her presence and calming nature is what kept me from tearing people apart, limb by limb in most cases. Just the sound of her silky voice or the soft pattering of her small feet against the ground would make me feel alive” He said almost in a trance. 

“Don’t get me wrong now child, once a ruthless King, always a ruthless King, but she did tame a small part of me” He added sighing. 

“I understand that you’ve had your fair share of troubles up there on Earth, but that was all for your benefit. We couldn't have a frail ruler Athena, you needed to be strong, to be ruthless.” He stated, his head high with pride once again.

“I know this is all a lot for you to take in, but it has to be done” A look of determination edging his features. 

“I can no longer rule the Underworld anymore, even Satan has to retire. I’ve ruled for 500 years now, and its time for the new era” He said smirking and I shook my head disbelievingly.

“Its time for me to step down from my position as King” He continued.

“Its time that Hell had its rightful Queen”


His words still echoed heavily in mind as I made my way down to the room I was being held in. I was lost in my own little world but the footsteps following behind me would continuously bring me back. Rogo had gone for his break, I was told and now the new guard was on duty, I was never aware of the break cycle seeing as I was always stowed away in my room. But it made sense that Rogo couldn't be there literally 24/7. 

“When is dinner being served in the grand hall?” I asked not bothering to turn around. 

I knew that staying in the damn room for days on end was only adding onto my insanity and I needed to at least attempt to get used to all the customs here. 

“I will escort in you an in hour my Princess” A deep familiar voice said and I all but too soon stopped in my tracks. 

“Demetrius?” I asked turning around and sure enough he was standing a few feet away from me looking a bit hesitant as to what would come next. 

“Could they not have sent a different guard?” I asked impatiently. It was hard enough to grasp all the new information that was being thrown at me but knowing that he was in the same building as me was already too much, I didn't need to him to be this close, I wouldn't be able to handle it.

“Its always been Rogo and myself” He stated stubbornly and I rolled my eyes continuing to walk and ignoring the longing in my chest for him. 

“I thought you had a higher status than this?” I asked quickening my pace.

“I used to” He replied solemnly and I nodded with my back still towards him. 

The awkward journey soon came to a halt as I finally approached the door to my room and I tried tot suppress the urge to see his face. 

“Princess” He breathed out in barely a whisper and I closed my eyes to fend off the damn emotions that surfaced every time I thought of him. 

“I swear I didn't know he was your father, and I’m so sorry about everything, I miss you baby girl” He pleaded but I refused to turn around. 

“Ena, please” He begged and I took a deep breath turning around to face him. 

“You knew exactly what you were doing, so don’t even ask for forgiveness” I hissed getting ready to slam the door on his face which was adorned with mixed emotions, hurt and confusion.

“And never call your future Queen by her name” I said emotionlessly closing the door on his surprised face, before breaking down into a sea of self pity. 

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