Chapter Seventeen

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I could have denied this new fate and tried to escape. I was surrounded by liars and manipulators, but I was now sure I had the soul of a sinner and the heart of a repenting saint.

I think back to my days as a normal girl and I came to terms that this new life was more the same than can be described. I always had a gentle nature but I was surrounded by negative fire, I was burning in the smoke of the lies and betrayed by the ones who were meant to be freeing me.

I don't mean to be so poetic about it, but all throughout high school I was struggling to maintain my own sanity. I had ran from home after grams had passed and had more on my plate than the people around me would deal with their entire lives combined.

I had a best friend; she was the only one I confided all of my withering thoughts in. Though she was never able to relate to me in any way she always understood. It wasn't that listening only to respond bullshit; she listened so she could help rid me of my burning burdens.

I trusted her, and then I never trusted again.

We had momentary fallout, as any teenagers would. The difference being the mysterious aura I held that many bored assholes wanted to uncover.

She had the bullets and fuck was she loaded with ammo.

She twisted and dressed up every word I said. The picture she painted in front of the world was one I could never recognize of myself.

I didn't care what others had to say of me. The ones that least knew me seemed to always have my name stuck in their throats as they coughed up mountains of lies. I didn't care when she apologized, but I still let her back in again.

I guess it was stupid because this only continued over and over again until I didn't even have the strength to be upset about it anymore. Each time it was a deeper wound, her lies became little clearer and my secrets were painfully naked for anyone who wanted to see.

This continued with every other person I ever met in my life. It became so common that I blamed myself. I attracted this negativity in my life that left me drowning in misery, and when I opened my eyes I was the one holding my head under the water.

I tried to be alone after I left those people, but found that thoughts running though my mind were more lethal than any person I ever let near me.


My coronation never happened that night.

It was no surprise to me that there was some sort of disaster that needed immediate attention so Satan being himself announced my night would be delayed. I was beyond pissed and blamed myself for having told him he was a piece of shit way too soon, I should have waited until after I was crowned.

Most of the guards were with him attending the so-called situation that had risen and I was sulking in my chambers about it. I was also still waiting for Demetrius to come back, he was meant to be here a few hours ago after I had commanded for him to return. My father had told me he had freed him and maybe he had chose to stay back for a while.

All I knew was that it was a mission involving a girl and that thought alone is what worried me, he was meant to lure her in for something. And how he managed that was completely up to him.

"You going to be alright on your own?" Rogo asked giving me hug and I laughed.

"No, I'll die of boredom" I whined and he shook his head.

"I'll be back as soon as I can" He said kissing my forehead.

He didn't make it back in time.

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