Visions Of The Future

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The following week on Raw, Josh and Gionna were gloating about their heinous attacks on Mandy and Ricochet.

Josh: So last week, you want answers as to why we did what we did? Well here is your answer... BECAUSE WE CAN!

Gionna: You see, now we have these titles, it means that we are on top of the world right now, and after what we did last week, we dare anyone to try and take our spot.

And sure enough, someone did step up to the challenge in the form of Josh's previous challenger, Aleister Black.

Aleister: What you did to Ricochet last week wasn't what I or any of the WWE universe expected from a man of your character, Josh. These fans looked up to you. Now, you're nothing more than a disgrace of a champion.

Josh just smiled with a hint of evil on his face.

Josh: I'm not gonna beat about the bush, Black. You are a hell of an athlete. I'm still seeing stars from that Black Mass kick. But I got news for you. You've had your chance - now get to the back of the line.

Then Mandy's new tag team partner, Dana Brooke came out to have a word with Liv.

Dana: Liv, Liv, Liv. Obviously you have forgotten how it felt when Ruby and Sarah attacked you earlier in the year! Well that's how I felt last week when you attacked Mandy. I thought you were a friend, Liv. But now it's clear where your loyalties lie. With your boytoy you call a champion.

Gionna: Don't you ever talk that way about my man. You two don't get it. Did you not see what we did to your buddies last week? We demolished them and made sure they're on the injured list for the next few weeks. And when they come back to face us at Money In The Bank, they'll suffer the exact same fate again.

Josh: So with that being said, we have reservations for dinner tonight, so we'll be off!

Aleister: Whoa, whoa. Josh, I may be a lot of things, but being stupid isn't one of them. You're not going anywhere until me and Dana get our hands on you.

They then sprinted to the ring, with the champions in retreat. Gionna had her arms around Josh, who had a furious look on his face.

Josh: Fine. You want us in a mixed tag? You got it. I have no problem beating you again! Hell, I'll even put my title on the line!

Gionna had the same evil smirk as Josh as they both raised their titles.

Gionna: And so will I. Believe me when I say you will regret your decision.

During the match, Aleister and Dana were on top, with Dana nailing a Swanton bomb on Gionna into a pin which Josh broke up, and Gionna rolling up Dana with the tights hooked, but only for two. As the match came to it's close, Gionna pulled Dana off the apron and threw her into the barricade and then steel steps as Aleister went to tag her in. She then exposed the middle turnbuckle and as the ref was distracted by her, Josh hit a dropkick on the back of Black, sending him face first into the buckle and then went up top to hit the Butterfly Effect, his double rotation moonsault. He got the pin and the win.

Mike: Here are your winners, and still Raw Women's and United States Champion, Liv Morgan and Josh Stevens!

As Josh rolled out of the ring, Gionna grabbed their titles and ran over to him to jump in his arms and kiss him as they headed backstage, with Gionna not stopping with her kisses, even when Charly Caruso came for an interview.

Charly: Er... Guys?

Josh: Yeah?

Charly: Any comment on what you did to get the win out there tonight?

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