It's Good To Be Bad

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A couple of weeks had passed, and as Josh and Gionna got closer to Backlash, their relationship seemed to be getting stronger. They had gone on quite a few dates since their first night out back together again, with even a couple of them ending the same way as their first, in a night of tender and passionate lovemaking. By now, the night of Backlash had arrived, and after a hard working gym session together in the morning, they arrived in San Antonio for the PPV, looking forward to what the night had in store. Josh's match was first on the card, and as he got changed into his gear, Gionna gave him some encouragement before the match.

Gionna: I know you're gonna tear it down out there with Aleister, but I expect you to have that title still draped around your shoulder when you get back.

Josh: Don't you worry, Aleister may be tough, but I am even tougher.

The two then had a small kiss and a hug before Josh then left, as his music had hit. Aleister showed no emotion as Josh had a small sense of intimidation while entering the ring. After the official entrances were over and done with, Aleister wasted no time showing off his kickboxing skills and lethal punches as he backed Josh into a corner and relentlessly continued to hit him. It wasn't until Josh ducked a kick and Aleister made contact with the actual ringpost that Josh seized his opportunity as Black's right foot was hurting a lot from the ringpost kick. As Gio got her black, shining, one-piece ring gear on, which was Josh's favourite, she also kept her eye on his match.

Gionna: Come on babe, this is your chance...

And Josh took it with all he had, with most of his offence coming on the injured right leg of Black, as well as Josh connecting with a lot of high-risk moves. As the match wore on, both men were down and hurting, with Black's leg getting worse, and Josh clutching at his midsection slightly, and as they got up, Aleister took a chance and connected with Black Mass from out of nowhere, and fell into the cover.

Ref: 1... 2... thre---

Josh just got his shoulder up, much to the disbelief of Black. He was almost foaming at the mouth as he set Josh up for another Black Mass, but this time, Josh ducked out of the way, and met Black with a spin kick of his own. He then went up top one more time, and connected with a moonstamp, driving his feet into Black's midsection on the landing, and then used the momentum he had to land a picture perfect standing Shooting Star. Then, remembering Black's leg injury, went for his ATL submission on the injured leg, causing Black some serious pain. He reached out for a rope break, and just when he was about to get it, Josh released the hold, pulled him back to the middle of the ring and locked it in again. With nowhere to go, and the potential for further damage to his leg, Black had no choice but to tap.

Mike: Here is your winner, by submission, and STILL the United States Champion, Josh Stevens!

Josh released the hold and slowly got to his feet, again grabbing at his midsection when he was handed the title and got his hand raised. He basked in the cheering and applause from the crowd, and headed to the back, where Gionna was the first to check up on him.

Gionna: You okay? Some of Aleister's strikes looked like they hurt a fair bit.

Josh winced a little, even following Gionna's gentle touch around his abs, as she noticed some of his skin was beginning to bruise a little.

Josh: Yeah, I should be okay. Think I should see the trainer, though. One of those kicks might have cracked a rib or something.

Gionna: You're lucky my match isn't for a while, I'll come with you.

She linked arms with him as they slowly made their way to see the trainer.

Trainer: Hey, Josh. I see your midsection has taken a bit of a brusing from your match. Want me to take a look?

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