Running With It

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The Raw after Money In The Bank, The Chancers' Xia Brookside would be making her singles debut against Dana Brooke, while Josh and Sami would be in action against Lucha House Party, and the gang were in Josh's locker room, giving Xia some last minute advice.

Gionna: This might be a bigger crowd than you're used to back in NXT, but don't let that stop you. Just do what you do best. Plus, we'll be ringside for you anyway, helping you win.

Josh: Remember that you're a heel now, so if you are gonna smile, then make sure its an evil looking one.

Sami: And to be honest, don't be afraid to cheat. Use the ropes, hook the tights, poke the eyes, that sort of thing. Hell, even use weapons if you really want to get extreme.

Xia: Okay... sounds like a plan. 

She put her ring robe over her new gear, which was all black, with a hint of red on the tights.

Xia: Never worn wresting tights before! They're a bit... tight.

She looked in the mirror, showing off her nicely shaped ass and giving it a couple of light smacks whilst the others just murmured in agreement before Gio and Josh grabbed their titles and the 4 of them headed to gorilla, where Dana was already in the ring, ready to compete. The Chancers' new theme of Rise by Divyded hit, and out they came, standing side by side with Xia and Gio in the middle, and Josh and Sami either side of them, to a few cheers, but mostly boos. When the intros were done, Dana tried to go in for the attack, but Xia saw it coming, and sidestepped, sending Dana into the corner. Xia focused her attack on Dana's legs for a majority of the match, and while Dana did hit her cartwheel neckbreaker, Gionna put her foot on the rope, while the ref started the count.

Ref: 1... 2...

Gionna: Hey, ref! Look, her foot's on the rope!

He stopped the count and Dana wasn't happy. She went right after Gionna, who dropped her title belt on the apron and ran as Dana ran after her. Sami and Josh then distracted the referee as Xia grabbed the belt from the apron. Leading Dana back into the ring, Gionna then slid back out, distracting the ref as Dana charged at her, only to be met with a title belt shot right to the face. Knowing this was her chance, Xia slid the belt back to Gionna and locked in the ATL on Dana's weakened leg, making her scream out in pain, so while Josh and Sami got down from the apron, the referee focused back on the action, asking Dana if she wanted to tap, which she did after another 5 seconds of the hold. 

Mike: Here is your winner, by submission, Xia Brookside!

But even after the bell rang, Xia didn't let go. She kept it locked on tightly screaming at Dana whilst applying more pressure on the hold, while Sami and Josh scared off the referee. Eventually, Xia let go, and Dana had to be helped to the back, while The Chancers celebrated their girl's big debut win by raising her hand and also giving her a mic.

Xia: You see, what just happened in this match is how things are gonna go from now on. Anyone who dares to stand in my way will suffer the exact same fate as Dana. I used to be known as the cute, pretty girl back in NXT UK. Well, not any more. Now I'm with The Chancers, I stand up for myself, Liv and the boys and nobody else. NOBODY. I took a chance last night and now, I'm running with it. Soon enough, the outcome will be clear. And yes, I'm looking at you... the so called boss. If I were you, I'd keep an eye on the number one contender's battle royal on Smackdown this week. Because THAT is when I. WILL TAKE. MY. CHANCE.

It was clear Xia had set her sights on getting Sasha Banks' Smackdown Women's Championship.

Gionna: And also, the Women's Tag Team Champions, Jax and Baszler. So what if you are dominant champions? So what if you've knocked off teams like Sasha and Bayley, Flair and Asuka? You won't be knocking off me and Xia, when we take those titles from you. We'll be taking our chance and running with it.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2022 ⏰

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