Battle Of The Lovers

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The next day, Gionna was struggling to decide what to wear for when she met up with Josh for lunch.

Gionna: Hmm... A cheeky looking dress? Or just jeans and a shirt?

Once she eventually decided on just jeans and a shirt and got properly dressed, she got a message from Josh.

Josh: Hey, I'm on my way to your hotel now! What room you at?

Gionna: 152, bestie!

She was incredibly tempted to say 'babe', but realised she couldn't because of Ashley. So she asked him something.

Gionna: Just out of curiousity, is Ashley coming with you?

Josh: Nope, she's doing a radio interview to promote Wrestlemania, so it's just me. Why do you ask?

There were so many possible answers Gionna could have put, but in the end she just decided to play it safe.

Gionna: Just curious, cos I kinda wanted some alone time with my bestie before tonight.

Josh: Ahh, I see! By the way, you might wanna open your door...

She looked a little confused, but went to the door and opened it to find Josh waiting there for her.

Josh: Did you order room service, madam?

Gionna: If that room service is your company for today, then yes I did!

He smiled as she got her case packed and took it with her, leaving nothing behind. She locked the door and left the key at reception, before putting it in the boot of Josh's Ferrari. She then got in, and blushed a little bit, as she could see that Josh had that look in his eye, a look she hadn't seen since the two were dating.

Josh: Starbucks, here we come!

Gionna: Actually, I was thinking that if you want a proper lunch, there's a good steakhouse near here, if you wanna give that a go!

Josh: Sounds good to me!

With Gionna giving the directions, they soon arrived at the steakhouse, with the place virtually empty.

Gionna: It's not as popular during the day, trust me.

Josh: Hey, it doesn't bother me! Now let's eat!

They soon got a booth, and after getting their drinks, Gionna then struck up what the plan was for her match tonight.

Gionna: So, for tonight's match, I've been told that I'm winning it, and they're leaving me to decide how it ends. I was wondering what you thought...

Josh: The one thing I do notice is she does have a bit of a temper when she loses control in a match. Use that to your advantage and maybe even... I dunno, use her finishing submission or something!

Gionna: You really think I can do it?

Josh: Well, do you know how to do the Figure 4?

Gionna had a hint of concern in her eyes.

Gionna: I... I think so...

Josh: Tell you what. I'm heading to the gym after this, I'll teach you it.

Gionna: You'd do that?

Josh: Yep. If you wanna win this rivalry, the number 1 rule is try to get in your opponent's head. And what better way to do so than by using her own move against her? Plus, Ashley taught me it.

Gionna's face went red. She was being told how to beat Josh's girlfriend... By her boyfriend! As their orders were taken and they waited, there was something on Josh's mind.

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