Something's Rumbling

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Over the course of the next few weeks, Josh was put in matches to test his ability and see if he really was at the level Hunter saw him at. Cedric Alexander was first for his debut match, followed by No Way Jose, then came Eric Young and in the last Raw before the Royal Rumble, he defeated Zack Ryder and Curt Hawkins in a handicap match. But tonight came the biggest test so far. The Royal Rumble match. He was in at number 17 and was actually told to eliminate the WWE Champion, Brock Lesnar, while his girlfriend, Ashley, was in the Women's Rumble match, entering at number 12, and Gionna was in at number 22. 

Ashley: So, your first PPV, you excited?

Josh: Yep, definitely, I've looking forward to tonight all week.

Ashley: I don't blame you. The Royal Rumble is my personal favourite of the year. I still have no idea who's actually winning the women's Rumble match this year.

Josh: Same with the men's. I did say to Hunter that I don't really want to win it, though, cos it's been too soon after my debut.

Ashley: Understandable, I guess. If I'm not booked to win it, I'm gonna hedge my bets on maybe someone like Mercedes, or maybe an underdog, like Ember, Leah or Lexi.

Josh: Sounds good to me. I hope you do win, though. It would be good to see you stamp your ticket to Wrestlemania.

The two then shared a loving kiss, before someone then knocked on the door.

Josh: I'll get it. You'd better get ready, the women's Rumble starts soon.

As Ashley then headed to the bathroom to get ready, Josh opened the door to reveal Gionna.

Josh: Hey, Gio.

Gionna: Hey, Josh.

Josh: What's up?

Gionna: I just came by to wish you luck for your run in the Rumble tonight.

Josh: Oh, well, thanks. Same goes for you. I hear you're eliminating Ashley tonight and starting a little rivalry with her.

Gionna: Yeah, I pitched the idea to Hunter a few weeks back and he seemed on board with it. It's only gonna be until Elimination Chamber, though.

Josh looked back at the bathroom, then looked back at Gionna.

Josh: This rivalry between you and her... it's not because of me, is it?

Gionna: No! I mean... of course not. It's just, now I'm back, I wanna prove myself against the best, and when it comes to the women of WWE, it doesn't get much tougher than a 10 time women's champion.

Josh: True. Very true indeed. How's about me and you have a proper catch up before the Rumble starts?

Gionna: Sure, I'd like that. How does catering in 10 sound?

Josh: Good enough for me. See you there.

He gave her a wave goodbye before he shut the door, breathing a sigh of relief about talking to her.

Josh: Still doesn't feel real, even after all this time...

As he went to check out both his and Ashley's gear for the night, Gionna leant against the wall, also breathing a sigh of relief about her quick thinking. 

Gionna: Phew, that was a close one. I dread to think how he would have reacted if I told him the real reason for having this little rivalry with Ashley...

As she headed for catering, Josh and Ashley were on their way to gorilla together, as the first 15 participants were told to be there.

Josh: I'll be watching from catering, babe. Personally, I would love to see you win, but just know I won't love you any differently regardless of the outcome.

A Life Worth Livin (Liv Morgan & OC) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora