Chapter 1

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The sunlight streamed through the cracks in my blinds, shining on my face bringing a smile to my lips as it did.
Slowly my eyes fluttered open to be met with the golden rays that bathed my bedroom in shades of gold.

Sitting up stretching my aching muscles, I could hear my mum and dad chatting in the garden through my open window. I peaked out through the cracks in the blinds at the happy couple. Another smile happened across my face as they sat at the garden table, my mums long brown hair was half pulled up as the rest gently floated in the spring breeze while she sipped her coffee. My dads short black hair was perfectly styled as he sat in his business suit looking at my mum with adoration.
They had a love that was fairytale, at least it was to me.

My mum was 17 an art student in Chelsea college of art and design, when she met my dad he was an intern at a large marketing firm in central London. They met on the London Underground, sharing sly sweet looks, my dad spent days gathering the courage to talk to her and ask out until one day my mum got up and asked him out for a coffee.
They were married five years later and a year after that I was born. They were only 21 when they had me but they're the best parents I could ask for.

Taking myself away from the window I pulled on a dark green tank top and blue skinny jeans before heading down to the garden to join my mum and dad, my eyes fell on the surfboard tucked behind my cupboard. I sighed and walked away.

"Oh don't be silly Tommy, Ruby will be fine" I heard my mums soft voice say as I rounded the corner and walk through the patio door to join them at the table. My mum stopped what she was saying as I sat on the bench next to her.
"Morning mum. Morning dad" I said in a voice marginally softer than my mums as I reached for the half full coffee pot.

"Morning Sweetheart sleep well?" My dad asked passing my an apple. I smiled gratefully pouring myself a cup of coffee, topping up their mugs.

"Morning dad, yeah I did thanks" I lied seeing as if sat up on social media most of the night.

"So what are you guys up to today?" I asked. My mum looked over at my dad as he folded over his newspaper.

"Well I've got a client meeting in an hour" my mum said. She was an interior designer and freelance artist.
She was always changing the layout and decor of our home.

"And I've got boring interviews to conduct" my dad said sounding like he'd rather be doing anything else. He worked for another marketing company in the web design department. I laughed at his childlike expression causing him to grin and my mum to smile and shake her head at his ways.

"Darling there is one thing we wanted to talk to you about" my mum said in her usual soft voice a complete contrast of her London accent.

"What's up" I asked over the rim of my cup.
They shared a look over the table as if they were gauging what to say.

"We've got to go out of town, well country actually. Your Aunt has brought a new studio in Paris and has asked me to help with the store and your dad to handle the online stuff. We're leaving this evening. Will you be okay here on your own for abit? Of course we'll talk everyday and leave you some money for food and things" my mum said looking at me intently. I was quite for a moment the sound of birds and cars passing filled the air.

"We don't have to go if you don't want us to" my dad said resting his hand on my arm.
My dad was always worrying about me, it was sweet. They always worry about me since the accident.

"No I'll be okay I promise, you guys should go, besides I'm 19 dad not a little kid anymore." I smiled warmly at him.

"As long as you're sure chérie, I have to go but I'll see you later." He said kissing the top of my head.

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