Chapter 10

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I woke up early finding the bed empty of Sammy. But I could hear him in the kitchen. Smiling I got out of bed and walked across the hall and down to the kitchen where Sammy stood staring out of the back window, drinking a cup of coffee in the suns first rays.

"Hey." I said softly hopping up on the counter.

"Morning Rubes, I didn't wake you did I?" He asked handing me a cup of coffee.

"Nah you're good, guess my head tryna getting used to the time." I said leaning on the cupboard behind me.

Sammy was sat opposite me on the other counter wearing his blue lifeguard top and cap hiding the top of his wavy blonde hair.

"So what you gonna do without me?" He asked putting his cup in the sink.

I wasn't actually sure what I was gonna do, I hadn't thought about.

"You know I'm not sure yet." I said with a smile. But it didn't bother me that I had no plan it was nice.

"Just stay outta trouble for me." He joked hopping off the counter and walked over to me with his half smile plastered on his face.

"Have you met me? I'm probably the last person to get into trouble." Now at least I was.

Sammy just smiled completely unaware of my accident or how I was before it. He threw his arms around my waist pulling me into him while I sat on the counter. His shirt smelled of the sea and board wax as I buried my head into his shoulder. And again I could've e stayed there forever.

"Sorry sweetheart but I gotta run gonna be late otherwise." He said reluctantly letting me out of his grip.
"Come see me later?" He said standing half way out the door, looking back over his shoulder.

"Of course. Now got to work I'm fine." I said shooing him off with my hand while I sipped my coffee making him laugh.

Seconds later he was gone and so was the push bike outside. I smiled remembering his truck was still at the beach. It was strange feeling so at home in a place you'd been in for less than two day, but Sammy's place just felt natural to me. I looked at the time seeing it was 6am here meaning it was 9pm in Paris so I called my mum hoping she wasn't busy. It rang for a few moments before she picked up.

"Hey darling how are you?" Her welcoming voice came over the phone making me smile.

"Hey mama I'm great, it's beautiful over here." I felt the smile stretch over my face as I spoke.

"That's wonderful darling, so what are you up to today?" She asked me.

"Well Sammy has work until 6pm so I'm just gonna chill out and meet him at the beach once he's finished." I told her.

"So this Sammy, what's he like? And why haven't you mentioned him before?" She asked in a gossipy way.

I smiled at my mums tone of voice, we used to gossip and joke all the time.

"He's amazing mum, he's kind, funny, brave and just a great guy. I dunno I guess I just never brought him up. He's a lifeguard and I guess it brought up memories of my accident funny thing is though when I was on the beach yesterday all I wanted to do was grab a board and get on the waves." My voice sounding whimsical almost.

"I'm so proud of you darling, you're really stepping out of your comfort zone and it's amazing to here you talk about going out and wanting to get back in the waves, and seeing as you've now got a personal lifeguard there's not much reason to worry." My mum laughed at the end.

"Mum!" I retorted with my own laugh getting nothing but laughter back was the best feeling.

"Oh darling I'm just playing, listen I've got to go but we'll speak soon okay?" She said softly.

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