Chapter 23

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"I can't believe you managed to keep your mouth shut about this Jess." Gina laughed as he walked over to us sat by the pool.

"Hey I'm getting better at secrets, besides it was worth it. Did ya see how happy Rubes was when she came in." Jess said with a smile.

Her face was priceless, the smile that was on it was full of love and it was so beautiful. I looked around the garden for her but I couldn't see her.

"Hey Jess?" I said pulling him out of his conversation with Gina.

"Yeah?" He replied taking a sip of his beer.

"Where is Rubes?" I asked him. Last time I saw her she was talking to him and Rico by the fire pit.

Jesse and Gina both looked around the garden but couldn't see her.

"She told me she was going to the bathroom,  but that was about 10 minutes ago." He said confused.

Alarm bells went off in my head as he said that.
"I'll look in the bathroom." Gina said getting up for her chair and went into the house.

"She'll be somewhere mate." Jess said as we and everyone looked about for her.

"Umm Sammy?" Gina said lowly coming out of the house, with something tightly in her fist.

"What is it? Did ya find her?" I asked but i felt my heart sink.

She didn't say anything but she handed me the post it note in her hand.

Hey guys
Sorry dipping out like that.
I just really hate goodbyes.
Especially the ones I don't
Want to say. I've loved every
Single second I spent here,
With all of you. And with my
Best friend. Thankyou for
Showing how to live again.
I love you, all of you.

My hands shook as i read it, she can't be gone. I went out to the front of the house where my truck was only to find it empty if her bags. She called a taxi and left.

"Sammy." Jess' voice pulled my swirling thoughts.

"Yeah?" I almost stated it more than spoke.

Turning I looked at my childhood best friend, his normal bright face was clouded with sadness. He really liked Ruby. He'd finally found a part of his long gone friend in someone. And that someone was now gone to.

"It's 11:45." He said leaning on a wooden pillar by the drive. With Rico stood next to him

"Okay? What about it?" I said trying to not sound frustrated.

"Her flight doesn't leave till 12:30. You can still see her before she goes." He said simply.

"And what'd be the point? She wanted to go on her own so she-"

"For fuck sake Sammy you're just as blind as she is!" Rico cut me off out of nowhere.

"What are you talking about?" I questioned his sudden outburst.

Jesse sighed and ran his hand through his hair.

"She's in love with you mate. Just as much as you're in love with her."

I stopped for a moment and thought about what he'd said. I knew Ruby loves me, how could I not know? She's been a constant in my life for so many years but how'd I miss it? She loves me. She's in love with me.

"Shit." Was all I said.

I didn't give him time to reply as I hopped  into the truck and practically floored it the whole way to the airport, I'll deal with the speeding tickets later. Right now I just need to see her. I gotta tell her I feel the same.

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