Chapter 21

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I felt bad, really bad about dipping out like that. But I couldn't stay sat there with Ruby when I know she'll be gone in less than 2 days. It was still pretty early around 10am when I got down to Bondi beach. The promenade was slowly filling with people as well as the beach.

Sighing I pulled the bike into the tower and went up the steps to find Danny, Jesse and Stevie sat talking and laughing with each other.

"Damn Sammy the mood kinda died a bit when you walked in. You good?" Danny said as he saw the look on my face, shifting their attention on to me.

"Ruby." Said in an outwards breath.

"What about Ruby?" Danny said.

"Is she okay?" Stevie added.

I smiled smally at her concern.

"Yeah, yeah she fine but her flight out. It's 12:30am on the 13th." I said lowly shoving my hand roughy my long hair.

The 3 of them stayed quiet and looked at one and other not sure what to say. They'd grown to love having Ruby around almost as much as I do.

"But that's tomorrow night." Jesse wasn't able to hide the sadness in his voice. Out of every Jess And Ruby had created the best friendship, he really cared about her in the same way he cared for the rest of us.

"Yeah." Was all I managed to say.

"Do you think she'll come back again?" Stevie asked leaning on her tented knee. Although her face didn't show emotion her eyes gave it away, she'd found great friend in Ruby. They all had.

"I dunno, I hope so. I just wish she wasn't leaving." I said truthfully to my friends.

"Sammy, she's not just your best friend anymore is she?" Danny asked me as he removed his sunglasses.

"No, she's not." I spoke honestly.

Ruby was special to me before we'd even met. But when we finally did meet it all changed. I fell in love with the idea of her and the idea of her wasn't even close to being as amazing as she is. It was inevitable that I'd fall in love with her.

Jesse and Stevie shared an almost missable look across the room, like they knew something I didn't. But before I could say anything the tower door opened and Ruby walked up the stairs and into the room.

"Hey guys, Jesus y'all okay?" She asked warmly looking at all of our faces.

"Yeah just tryna beat this heatwave. Come on Rubes you're helping me on a drinks run." Jesse said jumping from his chair, he looped his arm with hers and half dragged her out of the tower.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding as I watched them walk down to the store laughing. God I miss her already and she hasn't even left the country yet.

"You know he's really gonna miss her." Danny said sadly as he watched his brother throw a friendly arm around her.

"Yeah I know." I said quietly.
"I'm kinda surprised how well they get along."

Danny looked over at me and sighed pushing his black hair back.
"She reminds him of Lisa."

That caught my attention. Lisa was Jesse's best friend in school. They did everything together, practically inseparable but Lisa died in a surfing accident when she was 17, he'd tried to resus her but he couldn't. Jesse wasn't really the same after that, it was like he'd lost half of himself and still heavily blames himself for it even though her family didn't accept that. They knew Jess would've given his life for Lisa. Now that I think about it the way Ruby is with Jess really does remind me of his and Lisa's friendship.
Losing Lisa destroyed him. Even though Ruby isn't dying it's not gonna make it any easier on Jess to lose her.

I looked back at Stevie and Danny who'd gone back to patrolling the beach with binoculars. I could see Ruby and Jess coming back down the promenade stopping to look over the water.

"Danny!" I half shouted as an idea came into my head.

"Jesus mate, you made me jump." He laughed.
"What's up?"

"I need you to text West and Roodie. Stevie get hold of Gina and Rico." I said with a smile.

"Okay.. but why?" Stevie asked slipping her phone out of her pocket and raised an eyebrow at me.

I glanced down the promenade and saw Jess and Ruby sat talking on the low wall.

"Yo earth to Sammy!" Danny laughed throwing a paper cup at me.

"Just because she's leaving doesn't have to be sad. If she's going we're giving her a send off. Tomorrow night before her flight." I said making them smile. And just like that they began to text the others.

"Wanna use mine and Jesse's place? Bit closer to the airport." Danny said reminding me that Ruby really is leaving tomorrow night.

"Yeah sounds good." I said forcing a smile onto my face.

Jesse and Ruby finally came back in and handed everyone a can of cream soda, most likely Jess' pick.

We all sat there with knowing looks on our faces when Jesse's phone buzzed. With a text from Danny telling him about Ruby's party and begging him to keep his big mouth shut for once. He looked up and out his phone away with a sly nod over Ruby's head. Making Stevie smile.

"Okay you guys are being stranger than normal. Am I missing something? I feel like I'm missing something." Ruby said trying to read the room, but none of us cracked. Not even Jess.

"Come on let's go before West comes up and try's to get me to work today." I laughed taking her hand in mine, while Danny shot me a small almost invisible smile.

"Bye guys." Ruby said with a wave smiling at everyone.

"See ya Rubes." The twins said at the same time while Stevie waved with the landline pressed to her ear.

Getting out of the tower and onto the crowded promenade I wrapped my arm tightly around her shoulder and pressed a light kiss to her temple. Making her smile as we walked to Saltys to get something to eat.

It was pretty packed but we found a table to the left of the bar. I was pretty excited about Ruby's party tomorrow but the reason for it was some I was t excited about. God I'm gonna miss this girl more than I can put into words.

"Sammy?" She said softly as she took my hand over the table top, gently tracing circles with her thumb.
"Are you okay?" She asked.

"I'm okay, just really hungry."

She lifted and eyebrow at me as if she could see right through me, she probably can.

"Sweetheart you okay?" I asked her, while she stared off in the distance.

She sighed deeply and turned to face me with a melancholy smile.
"Yeah, it's just.. how'd 3 months go by so fast?" She said looking at me with a warmth only she could give off.
"Feels like yesterday I was coming down the escalator and now, now I'm about to go back up." She said mindlessly stirring her straw around the ice in her cup.

God I'm gonna miss you.

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