Chapter 3

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I woke up around 6am to the suns early rays starting to creep through the blinds. And for once I didn't wake up filled with dread, I felt calm. Opening the blinds letting the sun in and warm my face.

I looked over to my wardrobe and the surfboard peaking out from behind and sighed as I ran my hand over the smooth surface. It's such a beautiful board. A Dennis Pang 1989 Town&Country board. It was my uncles when he was around my age. He gave it to me for my 15th birthday when he started to teach me to surf. Although I live on the outskirts of London used to spend so much time at the beach. It was my home away from home. But I can't handle being there now.

I shook the memory from my head and pulled on a pair of leggings and a baggy top and went downstairs. I looked at the clock on the mantle it was still early. 7:10 am so I decided to face a fear today. I pulled on a pair of my mums running shoes and went out the front door. Beans was sat on the fence post looking down at me.

"See ya fat cat." I said tickling him under the chin earning a few mewing sounds.  As I took off In a gentle jog.

It was so peaceful out here, the few people on the street where waiting for the bus down to the train station.
I couldn't believe how relaxed I was as I passed through the park, dog walkers and other runners going about there morning. Smiling at one and other as they passed, I could get used to this. As I came to the end of the park about to loop back and go home I saw an old women looking worried. Something came over me and I went to see if she was okay.
It was like seeing her upset had told my anxiety to fuck off for a minute.

"Hey Ms are you okay." I asked the women who looked frail and scared as I spoke.

"I'm lost." She said sounding so small. It made my heart crack, as I thought of my Nana and what if she'd got in this situation.

"Can you remember where you live at all? Or maybe someone's  phone number?" I asked her gently.

She was quite a moment as she thought.

"Sundale retirement home." She said after a minute or so.

"Would you like me to walk you home? It's not to far." I asked her gently, holding my arm out for her to take.

She looked surprised but then smiled at me.
"Thank you, that's very kind." I felt my heart swell at her comment as she took onto my arm.

"I'm Ruby by the way, what's your name?" I asked as we started a slow walk across the park back towards the retirement home.

"Dolly, Dolly Smith." She said after a few moments.

"It's lovely to meet Dolly." I said warmly to her as we walked along.

It was still peaceful as we neared her home while she talked about so many different things it was hard to keep up, as she told me things she had done in her life. I was amazed at them. She was a model in her younger days and traveled the world. It got me thinking about my own life. She told me about the hardships of growing up during the end of the 2nd world war, but she was so grateful to have lived, really lived instead of just surviving. She was incredible.

Finally we reached the retirement home where 2 nurses were stood outside looking worried until they saw her.

"Oh Dolly where've you been? We were so worried about you." A nurse around 30 said as we got closer to them.

"Shes okay, maybe a little cold and hungry. I found her in the park." I said handing Dolly over to the nurse's.

"Oh I'm fine, Ruby has taken wonderful care of me the dear." She said sounding tired as the younger nurse supported her.

Half the world awayजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें