Chapter 8

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That awkward moment when you haven't updated in 2 months. SORRY GUYS!


"Where are they performing the music video at?" "I don't know, they just gave me the address and told me to meet them there." "Well we're in downtown Disney, do you think it's in Disney?" "I think they'd get kicked out... They aren't exactly doing this professionally." "Who's video is this anyway?" "Jack and Jack." "I thought they lived in Los Angeles?" "But they're down here visiting." "No, they're making things difficult."

Taylor laughed, turning left. "I promise you'll have fun." "I still don't understand why I couldn't wear cute shoes." I say, staring down at my ripped and muddy vans. "I don't know how long you'll be standing and walking and stuff, so they said wear comfortable shoes and those are the most comfortable pair you own."

He parks, shutting off the car. "Close your eyes." He says. I do as I'm told, letting him lead me somewhere. "Step up slightly." I follow his commands, then we are sitting on what feels like a subway car seat. It finally comes to a stop, and he helps me out, leading me to where I hear what sounds like a million people.

"Open." I do and see Disney. "We aren't really here for a music video, are we?" I say, not hiding my grin. He shakes his head. "This is amazing Taylor! Thank you!" I say, wrapping my arms around him in a tight hug. "Anything for you princess." He says, placing Minnie ears on my head, Mickey ears on his.

"Let's go in, we have lunch in the castle tomorrow, then we go to the other parks the rest of the week, so today and tomorrow we are in this park." He says, leading me in. We get our picture taken, then heading for our first ride.


Taylor's POV

Seeing her smiling like this was great. She looked so happy, happier than normal, making me wonder if I've been overlooking something. Maybe she's just stressed with the wedding.

Our week at Disney was amazing, she got to have fun like a little kid again and just get out of life's stress. We were heading back, Hannah asleep on my shoulder on the plane. It was currently four in the morning and she was wiped out. I looked out the window, seeing clouds below us, white fluffy clouds that looked so comfortable.

I closed my eyes, falling asleep to the hum of the cabin.

2 hours later we touched down in Los Angeles, back home again. "Han, wake up." I nudge her awake, watching her let out a huge yawn. She blinked a few times, looking around her. I gave her a quick kiss, standing up. She followed my movements, grabbing her backpack.

Baggage claim was quick, soon we were heading back to our house in my jeep. She checked our mailbox, going through the many letters. She split it between mine and hers, handing me mine. "Tuesday I have an appointment to see dresses." She says, looking at a small bridal postcard. "Alright." I say, tearing into a small envelope. It was a bill and I put it on my growing pile. "You should probably pay those now." Hannah tells me. "I will, relax." "I'm just saying Taylor." She shrugs.

Hannah's POV

I collapsed back onto the couch, my head aching from an oncoming headache, my feet hurting from trying on a million high heels, and I hadn't even chosen a dress yet.

Andrea comes in with a dress, holding it up for me to see. "Oh my god." I say under my breath, the dress was breathtaking. It was princess style, the top was a sweetheart neckline, bedazzled in small gems. It was absolutely gorgeous, I was completely in love with it.

She stepped out of the dressing room and I tried the dress on, staring at myself in the mirror. "I found shoes!" Jenn calls through the door. I open it and she hands me the shoes, the entire shoe bedazzled in gems like the top of my dress. "And your veil." Lia says, passing it through the door. The veil was connected to a sparkly piece, going down till about half a foot past my butt. I came out, all of them gasping. "This is definitely it, it will need a few small alterations but it's absolutely perfect." I grin, feeling giddy.

"You look stunning!" Jenn says, staring at me. "Absolutely gorgeous!" Lia adds. "The most beautiful of the beautiful." Andrea nods. "You guys." I mumble, feeling the tears welling up. "No! We didn't mean to make you cry, please don't cry!" Alyssa says, walking in. "But you do look perfect, Taylor will be blown away. But I think you need to add one thing." She says, holding my ring. I had taken it off so I wouldn't snag any of the dresses, so I took it from her. I slid it on the finger, feeling the familiar weight after having rings on my finger the last year and a few months.

"I'm gonna cry." I say, fanning my face to hold back any tears, like that would help a moment like this. "I can't believe this is happening." I say quietly, staring at myself in the three-way-mirror. "Well, believe it babe! You'll be married in a matter of months!" Alyssa says, grinning behind me. I see everyone nod, then I turn around and pull them into a group hug. "You guys are the best." I say, finally feeling a tear slip down my face. Andrea wipes it away, hugging us tightly.

"How much is it? My dads limit is 13 hundred." I say. "Well, with everything, it will be 1,000 so you have an extra 300 to put elsewhere." "He'll be proud, I've always overspent." I laugh, stepping back into the dressing room to change out of the dress.

I bring everything back out, sorting out what needs to be done before my wedding day then booking one of the ladies to help me on my wedding day. "We will see you in a few weeks." One of the ladies who helped chirped as we left. "Lunch?" I ask, walking down the street, seeing Lechuga. It was a salad place, but it was amazing, the salads were huge, but also had different toppings.

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