Chapter 4

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"Taylor, please tell me what's wrong?" I hold him close. He keeps shaking his head. "Please Taylor, you're scaring me." "I can't." He chokes out. I grab his hand to comfort him but he rips his hand away.

I was close to crying because I was so scared. He wouldn't let me in and that hurt. "Taylor?" I whimper and he looks at me with sad eyes. He slides up his sleeves revealing burn marks. My hand flew to my mouth, covering an ugly noise that was trying to escape. "I'm sorry." He keeps repeating. "Stop. Please don't be sorry."

"It's all I've been saying and no ones listening." He chokes. I kiss him hard, getting him to calm down. "Why Taylor?" "The hate. They give me so much and I don't know what I did." "You didn't do anything. They're just jealous. Okay? That's all, they're just jealous because you've actually done something with your life."

"No I haven't! Everyone hates me except for you." "That's not true Taylor. So many people love you." "No they don't." "Taylor, so many people would be devastated if you died, you remember all that Twitter stuff when you were in the hospital almost a year ago." "That was a year ago, when people did care about me."

"Taylor, please just listen to me, so many people care about you. Cameron, Carter, Nash, Hayes, Matt, Mahogany, Jake, Jacob, Shawn, Austin, Matthew, Aaron, Jack and Jack. Especially your fans, and most importantly your family and even more importantly, me. Me Taylor. I care to the moon and back and back and back again. Hell, I'd go to Mars or the sun for you Taylor." "Please don't. You'll die." "That's how I feel about this Taylor. You can get blood poisoning from this and you can die from that. Please don't hurt yourself because you're hurting me when you do this."

"I can't help it." He says, another tear streaming down his face. I wipe it away, looking him in the eyes. "Taylor. I love you so fucking much, you have no idea. I'd be lost in a world without you. Please don't leave me." I pull him in for a kiss and he kisses me hard.

I sat there with him for a good few hours and he kept apologizing and kissing my forehead, and I kept telling him it will get better, and that I love him.


I woke up and saw Taylor sleeping peacefully next to me. I smiled softly, getting out of bed. I have 2 months and 2 days until it's July 3rd, exactly one year after he gave me a promise ring, and I want to go back to that beach again. I go on my laptop, looking at flights to Florida.

There was one on the second, it'd be perfect. I book 2 tickets, then find a hotel near the beach. I found one about a block away. Taylor comes up behind me, wrapping his arms around me. I jump and he kisses the top of my head with a laugh. "You okay?" I ask him. "Yeah I'm okay." "Good." He leans down and kisses me, then turns back to what I'm looking at.

"Whatcha doin'?" He asks. "Remember the beach you gave me the promise ring on?" He nods, smiling. "I thought we could go back in July." "I love that idea." He kisses me pulling me up. I giggle in his arms, kissing him back.


"We're here!" I squeal, jumping out of the rental car. I turn my camera on, vlogging. "At the beach. With my boyfriend. Taylor c'mon." I groan, walking on the soft sand. I show the beach, Taylor coming up behind me, picking me up. He kisses my cheek repeatedly, moving to my neck. I turn off my camera, giggling. "Taylor." I giggle.

"I love you." He mumbles, turning me around to face him. I smile, kissing him. He deepens it, and I pull apart. "We're in public Taylor." I grin. "But you look sexy." "And you have a boner." I giggle. I run away from him, and he holds his towel in front of his crotch. I lay out my towel then lay out on it. "No ones around. Please?" He asks.

I shake my head, grinning. He lays on top of me, waiting for me to finally oblige. "Taylor." I groan, trying to push him off me. As he falls to the side, he brings me with and now I'm on top of him. "Kinky." He winks. "Bye Taylor." I start to stand up but he pulls me back down. "Please babe?" "No." "You suck." "I don't actually." "But you could."

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