Chapter 2

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I've lived in LA for a month now, I've been working for awesomeness and my show has been a hit! It's been moved onto the actual show, and they are thinking that it might even become a movie like Lia's did!

I'm actually in that meeting now.

"So Hannah, do you think Brittany the beauty guru would be a hit as a movie or not?" "It depends, the plot line needs to be strong to keep people in, if you have like a rough draft of the script, maybe I could read it and see if it would draw people in." "It's somewhere here." Missy mumbles, looking through the pile of paper in front of her.

She finally pulls out a thicker stack of paper, probably the script. I flipped through it, not reading the entire thing obviously.

"So, Britt is obvi a YouTube beauty guru, and she goes to live with her cousin, Lia, or terry in the movie, (yes I'm combining them) and has to learn to deal with not having beauty products at every turn, so she has to learn inner beauty and stuff, and terry helps her find it by having like a dirty day and that's the day some random guy sees her and likes her and when she gets all her makeup back he tells her he likes her better with none?" I ask. "Pretty much." Missy says.

"I think this will speak to girls who feel bad about themselves, like hey don't think they are pretty enough so they coat themselves in makeup." I smile, thinking out loud. "Wonderful! We were thinking of starting filming around next month or the month after... We still don't know." "Sounds good." I smile. We disperse and I go to my car, driving to Panera.

I look around as I walk inside. "Hannah!" A voice shouts. I look toward it and see Taylor. I hold up a finger, signaling 1 second, then order, then sit across the table from him.

"Hey, sorry I'm late, my meeting ran late. Thanks for meeting me." I told him. "No problem. What'd you want to talk about?" I took a deep breath. I had spent the last month building up our friendship, so I spent a lot of time with Taylor, so I was a bit nervous to tell him my news. "Okay, before I tell you that, I have other news." "Tell me something!" He laughs.

"Alright, so you know how my ATV skit is a hit?" He nods. "They want to make a movie like how they did for Lia! It's sorta like a second movie for Lia, because she's in it, but it's focusing more on my character." "Hannah that's amazing!" Taylor says smiling widely. "Thank you!" I smile back, and my food comes. I start eating, it already being 2.

I finish and scroll through twitter, liking a few tweets. "You always avoid things you need to talk about if they make you nervous. What's making you so nervous?" Taylor asks. I turn the promise ring around my finger and he smirks when he notices. I quickly put my hands under the table, looking at him.

"Hannah, you're 19. You've known me for a year almost. You should know that I won't judge you." "Why'd you bring up my age?" I ask, changing the subject. "I.. Ah... I honestly don't know... I think I was going to say something else, but then like changed my mind or something."

I laugh and shake my head. "Tell me!" He whines. "Fine. I think we should try us again." I say really quietly. "What?" "Is it hot in here? We should leave, we are holding up a table someone could use." I say quickly, getting up. He rolls his eyes, following me.

Outside, he pulls me across the street to a park. He sits me down, then looks at me.

"Alright. We aren't moving until I hear what you said." My cheeks flame up, and he leans back against the tree. "Please don't make me repeat it!" I plead. I'm so nervous right now I might puke. "C'mon Hannah, it's not that big of a deal to repeat something!" He laughs. "This is though!" I whine.

"Please?" He gives me puppy dog eyes. "Stop it Taylor." I mumble. He gets really close to my face, knowing it annoys me into saying things. I don't look him in the eyes, hoping I won't break and say it again. He gets closer and closer, and I keep leaning back, until I can't anymore. "You're gonna have to tell me eventually."

"Could I show you?" I ask. He looks at me confused. I wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him down to meet our lips. When he pulled back he was smiling like a maniac. "Now can you tell me what you said?" I stopped smiling, then glared at him. "I'm kidding. Anyway, I heard you in Panera." "What?" I shriek, getting a few weird looks from the people around us.

"I just wanted to make you uncomfortable." He laughs. "I hate you." I whine. "I wanna try us again too." He says, pulling me close. "The minute I told you I wanted to take a break, I regretted it. I wanted to pull you back and kiss you for hours on end." I admit. "You should have." He mumbles, then kisses me again. "I know." I mumble against his lips.

I start to giggle as his fingers graze my stomach, and he pulls apart. "Jeez you're ticklish!" "I had gotten used to you doing it then the few months we weren't together I guess I got unticklish? Is that even a word?" "It should be." Taylor laughs.

"Yeah, it should." I giggle, holding his hand. He pulled my hand toward him, then stands up, pulling me up.

He kisses me quickly, then I pull him in for a longer kiss. "Awww." A voice says. I jump apart from Taylor, startled by the voice.

We both turn around to see Cameron. "Cameron!" I squeal. I run to him, hugging him tightly. "Why the hell did you never call or text or anything? I was starting to think you forgot about me!" He pouts. "I texted you at least once a week idiot! You never responded!" "I sent you my new number right?" He suddenly asks. I smack his arm. "I'll take that as a no." He mumbles, rubbing his arm.

Taylor wraps his arms around my torso, hugging me close.

"How are you cam?" I ask. "I'm good. Super busy, but good. You guys?" "Well, a few months ago we got in a wreck and I few weeks ago I got my memory of Taylor back and now we are back together to put it simply." "I didn't get any of that but I'm just going to act like I did because I feel if you try to explain it I'll get even more confused." He says.

I laugh, and he smiles down at me. "And you Taylor?" He turns to Taylor. "Happy I'm with my princess again." He kisses my cheek and I blush.

"Alright, well I was just stopping by because I saw you, and Hannah I'll text you, I think I still have your number." "Alright, see ya." I wave.

He runs off and I turn back to Taylor. "I miss the guys." I frown. "So do I." He hugs me. He rests his head on the top of mine, and I lean against his chest.


"Stop it Taylor." I groan. "Stop what?" He smirks. He continued to click his pen annoyingly. I rip it from his grasp. "Jesus! You're grumpy!" He frowns. "We got new neighbors and I'm ready to kill them." I mumble, pulling the blanket over my shoulders. I get comfortable on his couch and he sits down next to me. "Wanna cuddle?" He asks. I nod.

He lays behind me, wrapping his arms around me. I welcome his warmth, really cold for an odd reason. "You're really cold." He whispers. "I never noticed." I say sarcastically. I turn around so I could lay my head on his chest. I close my eyes and fall into a fitful sleep.

Probably an hour later, Taylor moves slightly and I wake up. "Did I wake you?" "I was barely awake." I croak. My hand flew to my throat. His eyes widened. "Do you feel okay?" "Meh, I've been better." I croak. He feels my forehead, frowning. You feel warm now. Are you still cold?" I nod. "You're probably sick from not getting enough sleep, plus you haven't exactly been in sanitary places recently." He says, referring to the beaches. "I swear, every time I go to some beach I get sick." I mumble.

He laughs, pulling me closer if that was possible. My left leg rested between his, and I laid on his chest/stomach. I looked up at him and he laughed. "What?" "You always look at me like that, almost like I killed a puppy." "If you killed a puppy I would kill you." I croak, not laughing. "Sleep, you'll feel better." I roll my eyes but get comfortable again.


Finished this in study hall yeah! Next chapter is going to be like triggering maybe, or it's the chapter after, I'm still planning everything out. But I'll warn you before.

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