Chapter 5

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Did you really think I would end it there? I'm not that cruel sheesh


I walked with Alyssa into her doctors appointment. She was nervous, to say the least. Pretty sure she was about to give herself a heart attack. "I can't do this." She mumbles, turning around. "Oh no you don't. This is serious Alyssa, you need to see if you're pregnant, and if you are, then you need to tell Matt. I know I wouldn't like to be kept from something like this for this long." "You're a girl, you'd know immediately." She says in a duh tone. "Sassy." I grin.

"Alyssa?" The nurse looks to her, and I stand up with her. "She's just a bit nervous." I tell the nurse. "Understandable." She smiles. We follow her to a room.


"Alright, well, there is a baby in there, but we have a few questions for you Alyssa." The nurse says after doing an ultrasound. "Okay." She says, looking uncomfortable. "In the past few weeks, have you starved yourself at all?" "No." "Have you ever starved yourself in your lifetime?" "Yeah." She says quietly. I squeeze her hand reassuringly. "That would explain why there isn't much of a baby bump then, you might want to start eating a little more, you are eating for two now." She sighs, nodding. "You'll be happy once he or she is born." The nurse smiles. "When can I find out the sex?" "Not for a few weeks, but I take it you want to know?" "Yes please." She smiles.

We walk out of the doctors and I drive Alyssa to the apartment she shares with Matt. I follow her inside and Matt's asleep on the couch, Taylor asleep in the chair. I hold a finger up to my lips and hurry to the kitchen, grabbing 2 pots. I come in and Alyssa starts giggling then I slam them together, causing both boys to wake up. "WAKE UP YOU LAZY FIANCÉS." I shout. Taylor groans from the floor, he had fallen from the chair. Matthew had covered his head with a pillow.

"Good. You're awake. Taylor we are going home." "I'm comfy though." "You're on a hardwood floor, in what universe is that comfy?" "One where I'm still asleep." He mumbles, starting to fall back asleep. "I'll leave without you I guess." I grin, walking to the door. "Bye babe." I stop, groaning, "let's go Caniff." I grab his hand, hauling him to his feet. "Good luck." I whisper to Alyssa. She gives me a small smile.


Alyssa called me an hour saying that Matt was happy about everything. He had been a bit upset in the first place that she hadn't told him, but he's happy in the end, so that's good.

"Taylor!" I shout, trying to find him. Our apartment was small, where was this boy? "Yeah?" He comes out of the bathroom, scaring me to death. "Sorry Han." He grins. "What time are you leaving for the airport?" I ask. "Um, probably in half and hour to forty-five minutes. Not sure yet, most likely half an hour though, depends if I'm packed though." "Go pack, or you won't be leaving on time." "Yes I will." He pouts. "I know you Taylor, you won't be." "Shut up and help me then." He frowns. "In a minute." "Okay." I head to the kitchen, getting my food out of the microwave. I eat it, walking into the bedroom.

"Can I have a bite?" I give Taylor a piece of the chicken and start handing him clothes. "Why can't you come with me?" He frowns. "Because I'm busy here." "Take a week off then." "I did a week ago Taylor, I have a job I need." "But this magcon meet up will get you money." "No babe. I'm starting my new season, I need to get it started before they cancel it." "They wouldn't do that." "It's in my contract, they would." "Fine." He mumbles. "It's for a weekend. You'll be fine." I grin.

My phone rings and Alyssa's name pops up on the screen and I hit answer. "What's up?" I ask. "Tell Matt he needs to go to the airport and that I can't go." She groans. "Give him the phone." I chuckle. "Why can't she go with me?" He whines. "Because she's pregnant. Flyings not good for pregnant people, and I'm not going with Taylor, so it's not like she's alone." "But I want her to come with me." "Suck it up Matt. It's for the weekend." "You suck." "Bye Matt." I hang up.

"See, I'm not the only one who wants their fiancé to come with." "I'm not going Taylor!" I say, exasperated.


"Hello?" I answer my phone. "Hey babe." "Taylor, it's 7 in the morning, what do you want?" "Shit, I forgot about the time difference." "What do you want Taylor?" I ask with a sigh. "Ask you how you're doing." "Bye Taylor." I hang up and go back to bed. Dear god what was wrong with this boy?


"Hannah!" He shouts, running into the house and scaring me as I watched a movie. He jumps on top of me, kissing me. "Hi." I giggle. "I missed you." He says. "I missed you too." I smile. "Guess what?" "What?" "I love you." "You're cheesy." "I know." He laughs. "Can I watch my movie now?" "I guess." He frowns, sitting up.

We finish the movie, him distracting me every so often. Right now I was cuddled up to him, and we weren't doing much. "When do you want to get married?" He asks, "next July?" I ask. "Down in Florida, on that beach?" "I don't want a beach wedding, it would ruin my dress." I frown. "Doesn't every girl though?" "I used to, but then I realized my dress would be covered in sand if we did a beach wedding." "Huh. That's true." He nods. I nod.


Alyssa's POV

It's September and my stomach has been really hurting, I've been eating a lot more like the doctor said, but I'm showing now, and it's annoying. Was I really ready for all this? "Morning babe." Matt greets me. "Morning." I mumble. "What's wrong?" He asks, concern lacing his features, and he walks over, wrapping his arms around me. "I don't know if I'm ready for all of this." I mumble. "You aren't doing this alone, I'll be here forever, okay? I'm not leaving any time soon." "I know you won't Matt. I'm just scared." I wrap my arms around his torso, and he kissed my forehead.

"What can I do for you?" He asks. "Make my stomach stop hurting." I groan. "Do you think you should see a doctor about that?" "I don't know, I guess it couldn't hurt..." I go to my room, grabbing my phone. I found the doctors number, then hitting call. I scheduled an appointment for tomorrow, praising God that someone had just canceled last minute.

I felt something wet down there so I went into the bathroom and almost had a heart attack. I ran out of the bathroom, close to tears. "I need to go to the hospital." I get out. Matt doesn't fight me or ask, he just rushes with me to the car and to the hospital.


I laid on the bed, my face stained with tears. Matt has just come in. "I'm so sorry Alyssa." I don't say anything. "Give her a few days, this is pretty traumatic for women." A nurse tells Matt quietly. I obviously am not cut out to be a mom I guess, I don't know how to feel about this, should I be happy I won't be a mom anymore or upset that I lost a child that was supposed to be mine. It's all my fault, if I had done as the nurse said and ate more, more than the small amount I had before I had gotten pregnant, then we may not be in this mess.

I follow Matt out of the hospital, and I see Hannah and Taylor in the waiting room. Hannah gives me a hug and I burst into tears. "It's going to be okay. I promise. You guys can always try again in a few months." She reassures me. "I'm too scared to." I mumble. "Then you guys can adopt. There's so many kids out there you can adopt. I know Matt will love you no matter what, if you guys have kids of your own or if you adopt. He will always love you, Alyssa." "Thanks Hannah." I give her a feeble smile.

Matt drives me home and he cuddles with me, trying to make me feel better. "This isn't your fault, Alyssa. This can happen to anyone. Okay? Don't worry about it, it will all get better. I promise." "I love you Matt." "I love you too." He kisses me softly, then we watch movies.

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