Chapter 7

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A/N: should I do Alyssa and Matthews story? AND IM 16 AS OF TODAY! SO EXCITED!!!

Taylor's POV (OMFG)

"Taylor Taylor Taylor." Hannah yelled, running through the apartment. "You're going to fall and hurt yourself, slow down." I grabbed her around the waist and pulled her close. "I need to show you something!" She yelled in my face. I gave her a look. "Don't, this is HUGE!" She squirms out of my grip and pulls me to our filming room. On her computer, something was pulled up but I was too far away to properly read it.

"Cameron Dallas announces that there will be a 5 stop MAGCon in the next month!" She reads. "I was going to surprise you and say we were going to New York cause that's where it starts and have it actually be MAGCon, but you ruined it." I pretend to be mad at her. "I'll pretend to be surprised." She grins at me. "Good." I kiss her then she continues reading the article.

"All original members, including Taylor Caniff, Arron Carpenter, Nash and Hayes Grier, Jack and Jack, Matthew Espinosa, Shawn Mendes, mahogany, Dillon Rupp, and Jacob! The cities are New York City, Miami, Houston, Los Angeles and a secret surprise location that will be announced a week before! The only hint they gave us is that it's in the Midwest." She reads. "What's the surprise location?" "That's gonna stay a secret." I smirk, glad that I could at least surprise her a little.

She pouted, giving me puppy dog eyes. "I'm not telling you." "My puppy dog eyes always work though." She huffs. "I know your secrets though Hannah, I know how to avoid things." "You suck." I grinned down at her, rolling my eyes. "I'm going to Matt's, do you want to come?" I ask. "Nah, I really need to make this weeks video, I haven't done one for 2 weeks and I'm running out of excuses." "Just say your helping Matt move." "No." "Look who sucks now." I frown at her. "Love you!" She grins. "Love you too." I laugh, leaving the room.

I grab my keys, heading out to my car. I drive the 2 mile drive to Matt's, bursting through their front door without knocking. Alyssa was on the couch, laptop on her stomach and hands on they keyboard, but not moving. Matt walks in, glancing at me before walking over to Alyssa. He carefully moves the laptop before motioning for me to follow him. "How's she doing?" "Better I suppose, she still wakes up screaming a lot though, then goes for a drive and I find her asleep in her car in the parking lot the next morning." "That doesn't sound better." I frown.

"During the day she's happier, usually, like, she is back to eating, although it's not a lot, it's still food in her stomach. She's also made a new YouTube video, but hasn't posted it, she's scared, she's telling them all that happened, it's a very emotional video, but she managed to get out what she wanted to tell them." "Has she gone to that therapist yet?" He shakes his head sadly. "She went to one when she was 15, it didn't help her, it just brought back unwanted memories of her depression, and the lady always asked the same thing and it just overall was a bad experience."

"That's got to be hard, not really having a professional to go to after something so traumatic, it'd help her so much." "I tell her to at least try a session, but she won't." We were interrupted by a scream, and Matt ran out to the living room. I stayed in here, not wanting to intrude.

I could faintly hear Matt trying to soothe her, and it seemed to be working. Soon, they both came back and Alyssa gave me a weak smile. "Why'd you want me to come over?" I ask, breaking the silence. "What? Oh, um, moving stuff then painting then moving it back." "What are we painting?" "Bedroom." We arrive at their bedroom, walking in I see bright red walls. "Wow." Is all I can say. "Exactly. The people before us did it, I'm pretty sure you're not allowed to paint apartment walls, so we are painting it so it goes back to the normal wall colors." "Nice, how long will this take?" Moving and painting today, letting it dry rest of today then most of tomorrow, then you can come over late tomorrow night and help me move everything back."

"Then let's do this." After we had moved the bed, Alyssa had taken a seat on it, watching us move everything else. "So,you guys canceled the wedding, but when is it now?" "We are actually gonna wait a few years, at a more acceptable age." "I knew you guys were smart." I joked. "Shut up Taylor." Matt groans. "I'm joking, you could get married at 2 for all I care, just as long as you guys love each other." Matt looked over at Alyssa, smiling. She sent a small one back.

My phone rings and I step out to answer it. "What's up princess?" I answer. "Can I do my bridal shower at Disney? Like, is that socially acceptable?" Hannah asks. "Hannah, I know you love the place to death, but that's not normal." "You're compassionate." I can tell she's frowning. "Just do what you planned, you can go to Disney any time." "But it's expensive." She whines. "You'd have to pay for everyone if it was your bridal shower, plus the renting price and stuff." I remind her. "Right." "You'll live." "I won't Tay." She says bitterly.

"Hannah, I really do love you, but you're absolutely insane." "I really have that top-of-the-line fiancé don't I." "Who's also very attractive." "Who's also cocky." "Who's abs are amazing." "Who's a freak." "That's too far Hannah." I say dead-serious. "Paybacks a bitch." "Payback for what?" "Not telling me the last location of mag." "You've been there and love it." "Kansas City?" "Nope. Gotta go, Matt's giving me the evil eye." With that I hang up before she can ask any more questions.

"You won't tell her it's Omaha?" "Her friends are surprising her there, I'm not going to ruin it Matt." "You guys are so cheesy it's disgusting." He makes a face. I shove his head, heading to the bedroom to begin painting. "Hey Alyssa?" I ask. "Yeah?" "Hannah really wants to go to Disney, how should I take her?" "Which Disney?" "World, she loves it there."

"Um, you can tell her you're going to Orlando to meet with some friends and she should come." "And if she says no?" "Say it's for a music video. She wants to be in one." "Gotcha... Thanks." She gives me a smile, before leaving the room. "Why is Hannah so obsessed with Disney?" "She went when she was really young, so she doesn't really remember it. And she is absolutely obsessed with Disney stuff." "That's cute. Will you take her for lunch in the castle?" "Probably."

"Make her dress up as a princess and you as a prince." "Too far man." "She'd love you for it." He grins at me. "I will dump this paint on you." I warn. He holds his hands up in surrender. 3 hours later, we finish.

"I'll head home, see you tomorrow." I head out to my car, heading to my place. I walk in, seeing Hannah dancing and singing in the living room. She looked like she was giving a fake concert. "Cute." I call. She falls from the chair and glares at me from the floor. I help her up laughing, and she shoves me. "I hate you." She mutters. "You absolutely love me princess." I lean down to kiss her but she turns her head away.

"Well maybe you do." I say quietly. "Love you!" She calls, skipping to the kitchen. "Are you sure you're not 5?" I ask, following her. "How'd you know?" She says in disbelief. "You're skipping." "I always skip." "Not in the house." "True." She gets up on the counter, watching me.

I walk over, standing between her legs. I wrap my arms around her waist, hers around my neck. "Wanna go to Florida with me?" "What for?" "Seeing some friends." "Then no." "Why not?" "You always ditch me." "I do not." "You do." "It's for a music video you can be in." I wager. She perks up at that, grinning. "Are you coming?" I ask, grinning back. "Why not." She says, leaning close. I peck her lips, then we are interrupted by the doorbell. "My food!" She squeals, jumping down from the counter and running to the door. I walk after her, seeing her switch the money for the pizza and then he leaves and she runs back to the kitchen.

"You're acting like you haven't eaten in a year." I chuckle. "I'm starving Taylor, the last time I ate was last night." She explains. "Han, you gotta eat more." I tease, poking her stomach. "Shut up and let me eat." She frowns. "Can I have some?" "No." She says sarcastically. I take a piece and head to the living room. "What movie?" "You choose!" She calls, and I look on Netflix. Nothing looks appealing so I go to our small movie collection. "Spider-Man 2?" I ask. "Sounds good. She carries the pizza box in and a bottle of orange soda. "You're obsessed, I swear." I shake my head laughing.

"So I've been told." She grins cheekily at me. I start the movie and she leans against me, only moving to get more food or her drink. About halfway through she's asleep and I grab the iPad on the table, searching flights to Florida then hotels and passes to Disney.

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