Chapter 1

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"... So we are thinking your memory is coming back." The doctor told me. I looked around panicked. Taylor was smiling softly, Lia and Sam had conflicting emotions.

"Because your headache is so bad, we've determined that it's probably going to come back all at once in the next few days." "The next few days? This headache is going to kill me now! I can't move or sleep or anything! I'm going to be dead before all my memories come back!" I panic.

"Is she, uh, studying acting? Because she's extremely dramatic." The doctor says quietly. "She did for a few months." Sam says with a laugh.

"We can give you everything you need to keep the pain dull, but not completely gone, and we can give you anesthesia to put you to sleep." 3rd time this year. Yippee.

"Whatever." I sink down In the bed, rubbing my forehead. "We'll get you going on the medication immediately." The doctor tells me.

He leaves and I lay on my side. I was exhausted. "Tell him to bring anesthesia too." I mumble to no one In particular. Lia leaves, and Sam goes and calls my mom. "I bet you're happy my memories coming back." I say to Taylor. "Yeah. I'm really sorry. I should have listened to you in the car." "I don't even remember what happened. Don't bother trying to apologize."

I don't know why I was so against getting my memory back. I should be ecstatic! I'm finally going to remember everything! I think I'm more afraid of what I'll remember.

I'm given medication, then anesthesia.

I drift in and out of sleep, dreaming in between.

"Then she shrieked, chocolate milkshake dripping down her head, and she stomped, running out of the dance." Me and Taylor are laughing, disturbing a lot of people in the Panera. "I can't believe you dumped your milkshake on her! You wasted a perfectly good milkshake!" "She dumped punch on my WHITE dress! It was my favorite dress and I can't say that about a lot of dresses!" I whine.

He laughs again. "Ok, your turn to tell a story." I give him my full attention.

"Okay, so, I'm in Florida, on PCB, and this girl and her boyfriend are having a yelling match. I'm just sitting there, witnessing the entire thing.

Suddenly, from the pier above, 2 ice cream cones fall down, landing on both of them, and she started screaming, then started blaming the guy and everything. The guy just stops everything he's doing, looks up, then starts to turn purple.

The girl stopped yelling at him, and backed away a little, unsure of what was happening.

Suddenly, he let's put a loud yell, making me and the girl jump, probably half the people on the beach, and he runs around, almost like a dog chasing his tail. The girl ran away, unsure what to make of everything, and then the guy just strips. Right there on the beach."

I couldn't stop laughing at his story, I was crying because I was laughing so hard.

"I'm sorry, you are disturbing everyone here, we need to ask you to leave." A worker says. "Oh, I'm sorry." I calm down enough to say that. We grab our stuff and move.

I woke with a start. Lia looked up, startled by my sudden movement.

I was panting almost, but I was definitely sweating like a mad man.

"Hannah?" She looks at me concerned.

"I - uh - where's Taylor?" I ask. I run my fingers through my greasy hair. "Did I hear my name?" Taylor walks through the door, the doctor following,

I've been here for 3 days, a lot of my memory coming back, but it all went backwards. I just had my first memory of when I met him.

It was after our flight to LA.

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