Chapter 10

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I slid the white dress on, seeing it end at my knees. I smoothed out the wrinkles, then walked to the bathroom. Taylor was tying a tie around his neck, giving me a smile. I returned it, getting to work on my makeup.

"You almost ready?" Taylor asks thirty minutes later. "Yeah, I have two strands left to curl." I nod, grabbing the next strand, he brings my heels out of the closet, setting them on the ground while I release the curl. I grab my last one, curling it around the wand. I finally release it, unplugging the curler and sliding my shoes on. I poof my hair, then follow Taylor out. He drove us to the church, where we did a run through, then to the dinner.

Dinner was fun, Taylor got a little drunk which I wasn't too happy about but he was having fun. I've taken so many pictures, it's making me go insane. I took a step outside, getting some air. "You alright?" Taylor asks, a slight slur in his voice. "Yeah, overwhelmed by everything." I shrug indifferent. "You'll be fine. We will be married in less than twenty-four hours, you'll be Mrs. Hannah Caniff." He smiled, kissing the tip of my nose. I grin, bringing my lips up to meet his. "I love you Taylor." "I love you too."

"There you are! It's almost midnight! Taylor can't see you once it's midnight!" Alyssa says, running out. "Wait, seriously? I don't need any bad luck." I say, pulling my phone out of my dress pocket. I watched in horror as the time changed from 11:59 to 12, worry spreading over me. I was completely superstitious about the whole, groom not seeing the bride on the day of the wedding until she is walking down the isle and now he has. "Bye Taylor I love you see you tomorrow!" I yell, running inside.

Alyssa and I leave, heading to the hotel. "Oh my god, he saw me Alyssa! What if that completely messes up our entire wedding?" I say nervously, watching the road in front of me. "Let's just focus on getting to the hotel, alright?" She asks and I nod, finally turning into the parking lot. I find a parking space and we head inside, going to the room.


Sarah, my hair stylist for today was curling my hair and pinning back some strands, putting gems in my hair also. "I think you should make this like a show, like say yes to the hair style." I laugh. "I think I could make that work, have different girls model the hair!" She laughs. "Or you do it on wigs and the girls just try them on and see how they like them!" I add. "That too." She nods, pinning another strand back. "Oh! They're talking about Beyoncé!" Jenn calls, hushing everyone.

"Will Beyoncé be having another midnight album release that no one knows about? Stay tuned to find out!" Georgia says on E! News, one of the new reporters. I didn't like her, she was creepy and weird. "In wedding news, Taylor Caniff and Hannah Reynolds are in the final hours for getting ready for the wedding, but pictures from last night might have a change of plans." I freeze, pulling away from Sarah and walking over to the TV.

Pictures appeared on the tv, they showed Taylor with another girl, the last one of them kissing. "Oh my god." Jenn, Andrea, Sarah and Alyssa said at the same time. Jenn immediately pulled her phone out, but I sunk onto the bed. "That could be photoshopped, you know how the news is." Andrea tries. I shake my head, trying to hold back tears. "He's been acting weird for months, I should have seen this coming." I say, my voice cracking the same time the tears fell. I was less than an hour away and in my dress, my makeup finished and my hair mostly finished and now I didn't know what to do.

Cameron's POV

I stared at the tv, not sure what I had just saw. After Alyssa had pulled Hannah from the party I saw Taylor once then never again, so I had nothing to back him up with if this was fake.

Taylor burst into the room, completely unaware of what I just witnessed. He frowned when he saw my tense stance, coming to a stop. "What's up?" He asks. "What'd you do after Hannah left?" I ask. "Drank, partied, went to bed? Why?" "Are you positive?" I ask. He nods, fixing his tie in the mirror then checking his hair.

"Why are you asking?" I rewind the news and he watches, slowly growing pale. "I can't believe you." I mutter, watching him grow unhealthily pale. "It's not what it looks like." He tries. "Then what is it? Because I'm pretty sure the girls were watching this like they do every day and this is what it looks like to them." I shout at him, making the other boys come in.

"What's going on?" Matt asks, walking in. His phone was in his hand, it looked like he was in the middle of a call. Sam actually had his phone in his hand, a glare growing on his face toward Taylor. "Why doesn't Taylor explain how he cheated on his fiancé the night before their fucking wedding!" I spat, crossing my arms. "Taylor did what?" Matt yelled, almost dropping his phone. "Jenn just confirmed it with me. She saw it on tv too." Sam says, still glaring at Taylor.

"I didn't cheat on her!" Taylor shouts, making the room go quiet. "Then what happened?" Sam asks. "She kissed me, I was drunk and she kissed me." He says. "You shouldn't have been drunk in the first place!" Sam shouted. "I know that!" Taylor snapped. "Hannah is bawling her eyes out in her wedding dress, imagine how this looks for her!" Matt says. The room goes quiet except for the tv where they are still talking about it.

"A video is also found, and Taylor is the only one at fault." The news continues and we all turn to the tv to see a video of Taylor cupping the girls face and kissing her. I turned on him and threw a punch, nailing him right in the jaw. "That's for lying to us." I threw another one. "That's for cheating on Hannah." I threw one last one. "That's for being a fucking shit guy." I snapped, throwing a fourth one for good measure. Nash and Matt held me back from throwing any more punches, Taylor bending over, holding his face.

"Get out of here." I tell him, pulling my arms from Nash and Matt's grip. I walked out of the hotel room, going up a floor to Hannah's room. I knocked, seeing Alyssa as the door opened. I walked in, taking in Hannah crying on the edge of the bed, still in her wedding dress.

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